Saturday, June 10, 2017

Putin Believes In Male Dominance

Putin: 'I Am Not A Woman, So I Don't Have Bad Days'

DMITRY ASTAKHOV/AFP/Getty ImagesRussian President Vladimir Putin rides a horse near the foothills of the Western Sayan Mountains in the Republic of Tuva, 15 August 2007.
While speaking to filmmaker Oliver Stone for a documentary titled The Putin Interviews, Russian President Vladimir Putin, 64, said he doesn't have bad
 days because he's "not a woman."  
In a released clip of the interview, Stone asked Putin if he ever has "off days." 
"I am not a woman, so I don’t have bad days," answered the Russian leader.
"I am not trying to insult anyone. That's just the nature of things. There are
certain natural cycles." 
Putin further bragged of his masculinity, which is usual for the Russian strongman. 

"Elsewhere, Putin is shown indulging his now-familiar passion for playing ice
 hockey, and flexing his muscles on an exercise machine," said Bloomberg of
the released clips. "He told Stone that he lifts weights and then swims every
 day. Putin's also seen feeding carrots to a thoroughbred horse named after
Dutch theoretical physicist Johannes Diderik van der Waals at his residence."
According to Russia Beyond the Headlines, "discrimination against women
 is commonplace."
"Men allow themselves to use insulting expressions, engage in sexual
 harassment, and make dirty jokes, thinking that it is normal and that if a
woman is offended, she lacks a sense of humor," columnist Svetlana
Feoktistova told the site. 
"There is a male primacy in work issues," he added. 
During the interview, Putin also denied any human rights violations in Russia
pertaining to homosexuals. "There are no restrictions whatsoever," he said. 
In the Muslim-majority Republic of Chechnya, which is a province within the
 Russian Federation, leader Ramzan Kadyrov is reportedly rounding up gays
 for torture and detainment, and even murder. The "anti-gay purge" has thus
 far included over 100 men, of which three have been killed. 
"We were tortured every day. Beside beatings, we were beaten several times
 a day with polypropylene tubes. We were tortured with electricity," said one
 released detainee of a gay concentration camp in Chechnya. 
"For 20-30 seconds they spin the handle, you feel the electricity, then you fall
down, they stop it, and then immediately you come back to consciousness and
you are ready again for a new discharge," he added. "And it goes on five, six,
 seven times."

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