Monday, June 26, 2017

The News Media Just Cannot Accept That Trump Might File His Taxes With An Extension

MSNBC Host Teases ‘Strange Little Scoop’ On Trump’s 2016 Taxes

"This is a very risky tease ..."


An MSNBC host teased a “strange little scoop” about President Donald Trump’s tax returns Wednesday evening prior to going on air.
“We’ve got a strange little scoop on the President’s taxes on tonight’s show. It’s a very very weird one,” MSNBC host Chris Hayes tweeted.

We've got a strange little scoop on the President's taxes on tonight's show. It's a very very weird one. Tonight at 8pm 

The MSNBC host’s “very weird” strange little scoop was that White House officials and Trump’s tax lawyers chose not to confirm whether or not Trump filed his 2016 tax returns.
Hayes said that since the Bush and Obama administrations publicly announced when the former presidents filed their taxes, Trump should do the same.

“This year, tax day came and went without that announcement,” Hayes said.
“So we asked the White House — not if the president would release his tax returns — simply if he filed his taxes this year,” he continued.
The All In host said that the White House refused to comment and referred him to Trump’s tax lawyers, who responded: “We have no comment” when asked if the president had filed his taxes.
This leads Hayes to believe something nefarious is going on with Trump’s 2016 taxes.

“So both the White House and Trump’s personal tax lawyers are refusing to say whether the president filed his tax returns this year,” he said. “Which leaves open the possibility that he has not. Or, maybe he requested an extension, or maybe not. But for some reason, the people who should know are refusing to answer.”
Hayes continued to press the issue on Twitter after his show aired.

The WH *and* the President's tax lawyer are refusing to say whether the president *filed* his taxes this year.

It *really* doesn't seem too much to ask for the President of the United States to simply confirm he filed his taxes or for an extension.

Twitter users urged Hayes to tread carefully, reminding him of when MSNBC host Rachel Maddow reported on Trump’s leaked 2005 tax returns in March, inadvertently proving that the president had paid $38 million in taxes on an income of $150 million.

@chrislhayes @Fahrenthold [extremely clever Rachel Maddow joke that you will find super funny and probably read on the air]

Josh Barro, a senior editor at Business Insider, implied that Hayes’ scoop on Trump’s 2016 taxes was a non-issue.
“Obviously he would have filed for an extension. Anyone with taxes as complicated as his. The 2005 return was filed with an extension,” Barro tweeted in response to Hayes’ report.
What do you think? 

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