Friday, June 30, 2017

Will Obama Come Back From Indonesia? Will Rice's Testimony Cause Him To Seek Asylum? Can We Hope?

Obama Flown to Childhood Home of Indonesia as Susan Rice Agrees to Testify

On Thursday night, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice announced that she will testify before the House Intelligence Committee in July as part of its investigation into the Trump/Russia 2016 election hacking investigation.
Her agreement to testify sent shockwaves throughout the political world. One person with close ties to Rice, however, seemed to ignore it altogether. Former President Barack Obama will continue to enjoy his (very lengthy) vacation, ABC News reported.
Obama is spending the next ten days in Indonesia, where he plans on visiting his childhood home of Jakarta. Obama lived in Jakarta from the age of 6 to 10.

It’s a little suspicious that Obama is jetting off right as his own adviser is testifying before an intelligence committee. The allegations that the Obama administration, including Rice, was behind the unmasking of individuals during the 2016 election is potentially one of the biggest scandals of Obama’s time in office.
CNN noted that Rice’s testimony will be behind closed doors, so we may never actually find out what she says to the committee, or more importantly, what she doesn’t say.
It is possible that Obama and Rice are in communication with each other while he is on vacation so that is how Obama is being kept up-to-date on these developments.
However, one would think it would hard to relax knowing that your national security advisor is going to be testifying about something that could permanently stain your presidency.
Fox News noted that the exact date of the testimony is not known yet. For her part, Rice has denied that she ever did anything wrong. She admitted that she requested the identity of individuals on occasion, but denied she ever leaked them to the press.
Whatever the case, hopefully this intelligence committee will be able to get to the bottom of the unmasking allegations and figure out exactly who was behind them.
President Donald Trump has suffered a lot in recent months from those who are determined to bring him down, no matter how many laws they break.

These people need to be held accountable to send a message to anyone considering illegally leaking information to the media.
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