Saturday, July 29, 2017

Combat Troops Understand War

Wounded Combat Veteran Defends Trump’s Transgender Military Policy

Iraq combat vet and wounded warrior J.R. Salzman is certain “war is no place for people who are mentally, emotionally, or physically confused or in turmoil.”
Reacting to President Donald Trump’s announcement to rescind former President Barack Obama’s last-minute order to accept openly transgender troops in the military, Salzman unleashed his own testimony via Twitter.
“I served in Iraq in 2006. For the first five months I was on a 12 man firebase out in the middle of nowhere in the desert,” said the veteran, before explaining the every day hell of war.
“Everyday was Groundhog Day. Wake up and do the same patrols, the same shifts, every single day. It was so damn hot. 150° in the gun trucks,” he wrote. “Tracer fire would go overhead occasionally at night. IED’s on the road were a daily threat. We got resupplied food every 8 days.”

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