Monday, July 31, 2017

Could The Link Between The DNC Emails And Seth Rich Be Found?

Report: Seth Rich Made Shock Delivery to Natalia Veselnitskaya Before Death


Questions over the death of Seth Rich continue to go unanswered… and now a new report could be the “smoking gun” that investigators have been looking for.
Surprising evidence could now link the murdered Democrat staffer to Russia, and confirm that Rich was in fact the source of the infamous WikiLeaks emails which made headlines before and after the 2016 election.
According to Radar Online, an attorney and investigator named Jack Burkman has discovered that Seth Rich met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya shortly before he was killed.

Burkman has been looking into the mysterious death of Rich for nearly a year, and alleges that the connection between the murdered staffer and Veselnitskaya was laid out to him by a current Democratic National Committee member.
“This is a very scared source so we had to talk them along and it took a while,” said Burkman. “We’ve confirmed the source and their identity and who they are.”
Jack Burkman and his yet-to-be-named source claim that Rich met with the Russian lawyer to deliver a collection of stolen DNC emails — the same documents that were later released by WikiLeaks.
If the name “Natalia Veselnitskaya” sounds familiar, that’s because the Russian lawyer has recently…. [TWITTER POSTS ON NEXT PAGE]

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