Friday, July 28, 2017

Great Letter From A Fan

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Reads Fan Mail to Trump From 9-Year-Old Boy


In the ugly world of Washington, there isn’t a whole lot of space for life-affirming things. That’s why, when new White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a 9-year-old’s letter to President Donald Trump to the assembled press corps at the White House on Wednesday, it stunned millions.
She said it was a moment to remember the “forgotten men, women, and children that we’re here to serve and that the president is fighting for.”
According to the Washington Times, the letter came from a young man named Dylan. However, he notes that “every body calls me Pickle.”

In the letter, dated June 1, the boy calls Trump his favorite president and says he had a Trump-themed birthday party. “My cake was in the (shape) of your hat,” he noted. (I’m assuming in reference to the ubiquitous “Make America Great Again” caps.)
Dylan also had a few questions for the president.
“How old are you? How big is the White House? Ho(w) much monny (sic) do you have?” the letter read. Hopefully, that last part isn’t just a sneaky trick by Chuck Schumer to get his hands on some tax returns.

“I don’t now why people don’t like you,” he continued — to which Sanders responded, “Me either, Dylan.”

On behalf of Working Moms Sarah Huckabee Sanders shakes up MSM & shares Dylan's AKA Pickel's Patriotic love for Prez Trump

“You seme nice can we be friends?” he concluded, while noting he’d included his picture.
Sanders said she hoped Dylan was watching at home”because the president wanted me to personally tell you hello.”

“Dylan, thanks for writing to the president,” Sanders said. “And if you’re ever in Washington, D.C., I hope you’ll stop by and let us show you around the White House.”
Needless to say, the letter went viral. The San Diego Union-Tribune titled its article on it, “Everyone’s talking about Dylan, age 9. Donald Trump is his ‘favrit president.'” It wasn’t just an adorable moment, it showed that the White House press room is going to be a lot different under Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Of course, this is the kind of stuff the media hates to cover, preferring to focus instead on the sky-is-falling narrative over Russia and tearing the president and his supporters down.
However, not everyone buys into the rhetoric — and one of those individuals is certainly “Pickle.”
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