Thursday, July 27, 2017

Israel Made A Mistake By Taking Down The Metal Detectors. Others Will Die!

Muslims Return to Temple Mount After Police Dismantle All Security Measures

“You have exalted the right hand of his adversaries, and made all his enemies rejoice.” Psalms 89:43 (The Israel Bible™)
Muslims will return to pray at the Temple Mount after police confirmed Thursday that all security measures put into place around the compound following the murder of two police officers adjacent to the site on July 14 had been dismantled and that the situation had returned to what it was prior to the attack.
Police said security measures would continue in and around the old city, while extra police units would remain deployed  in the area.
Following a meeting with the Waqf (Islamic trust) on Thursday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and the Mufti of Jerusalem Muhammad Ahmad Hussein said that prayers could resume at Al-Aqsa.
Clashes between Palestinians and security forces had occurred on an almost daily basis since the security measures were put in place. During a ‘Day of Rage’ on Friday, July 21, four Palestinians were killed in clashes with security forces in a day of rage, one of them when an explosive device he was about to throw at Israeli troops blew up in his own hands. Another ‘Day of Rage’ had been called for this Friday.
Jerusalem police chief Yoram Halevy said police would continue to check suspects when necessary and warned that anyone trying to take advantage of the situation would meet a tough response. “If anyone tries to disturb the peace or to attack police officers or civilians, they they should not be surprised it anyone gets hurt. Don’t try us,” Halevy  said.


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