Thursday, July 20, 2017

Israeli-American Relations Best In Years

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Expresses True Feelings For Obama Administration


During a closed-session meeting Wednesday morning in the Hungarian capital of Budapest with leaders of the Visegrád Group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accidentally made hot mic remarks about former U.S. President Barack Obama that took reporters by surprise.
“We had a big problem,” he said, referring to his administration’s dealings with the Obama administration. “It’s different now. The U.S. is more engaged in the region [Syria and the Middle East] and conducting more bombings. It is a positive thing.”
Led by retired Marines Corps Gen. James Mattis, a no-holds-barred warrior known to his peers as “Mad Dog,” the Pentagon under President Donald Trump has indeed shown a more fervent willingness than its predecessor to use devastating force when necessary to both destroy Islamic radicals and keep tyrannical dictators at bay.

In April, the Pentagon dropped the “Mother of All Bombs” in an area of Afghanistan, killing up to an estimated 100 Islamic State fighters in the process, and weakening the terror group’s grip on the struggling nation.
That same month, the U.S. launched a retaliatory air strike against an airbase in Syria after Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad allegedly attacked his own people with chemical weapons.

Netanyahu’s comments were not necessarily surprising, as his nation’s relationship with America has blossomed since Obama left office six months ago — due in large part to Trump’s hardline approach to Palestinian terror.
In fact, according to a Pew Research survey published in June, Israel was among a few select nations where the citizens showed a notable preference for Trump versus Obama.
During his hot mic moment Wednesday, the Israeli prime minister also excoriated the European Union, taking aim at how the bloc of nations has made peace with the Palestinians an effective precondition for closer relations with his country.
“I think its actually crazy,” he said. “There is no logic here. Europe is undermining its security by undermining Israel. Europe is undermining its progress by undermining the connection with Israeli innovation because of a crazy attempt to create conditions [for peace with Palestine].”

He added that he hoped the leaders of the Visegrád Group would speak with their colleagues in Europe and persuade them that it’s unwise to “undermine that one Western country [Israel] that defends European values and European interests and prevents another mass migration to Europe.”
“So stop attacking Israel; Start supporting Israel … start supporting European economies by doing what the Americans, the Chinese and the Indians are doing,” he continued, referencing a recent increase in technological cooperation between Israel and those countries.
He concluded by stating unequivocally that whether or not the European Union chooses to follow Trump’s path and embrace Israel will ultimately determine whether the bloc of nations will “live and thrive or shrivel and disappear.”
What do you think?

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