Saturday, July 8, 2017

Media Blows It Again And Is Quickly Put In Its Place By Polish President

Polish President Roasts Fake News Over “Snubbed” Trump


When President Donald Trump arrived in Poland he was greeted warmly and delivered what was arguably one of his best speeches to date. This of course had the leftist American media scrambling to find anything they could to discredit and smear the president.
Apparently they settled on sharing a deceptively edited snippet of a clip showing the round of handshakes between Trump and first lady Melania with their Polish counterparts ahead of Trump’s speech. Two seconds of video allegedly showed Polish first lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda “snub” Trump by ignoring his outstretched hand.
USA Today admirably detailed some of the posts on the subject from both the right and the left, revealing the left’s utter pettiness in the process, but now even the Polish president weighed in on the topic.

“Contrary to some surprising reports my wife did shake hands with Mrs. and Mr. Trump @POTUS after a great visit. Let’s FIGHT FAKE NEWS,” tweeted President Andrzej Duda.

Contrary to some surprising reports my wife did shake hands with Mrs. and Mr. Trump @POTUS after a great visit. Let's FIGHT FAKE NEWS.

A more thorough and biting denouncement of the liberal media’s absurdity was put forward by T. Beckett Adams of the Washington Examiner, who essentially told the supposedly mature adult journalists to “grow up” and began his article by declaring, “This is so stupid.”
After explaining that the Polish first lady simply followed protocol and shook Melania Trump’s hand first before immediately shaking the president’s hand, which can be obviously seen if the clip wasn’t stopped short after a mere two seconds, Adams ripped into a few of the worst offenders in the media who sought to spread such blatant “fake news.”
Chief among them was Chris Cillizza of CNN, who seemingly channeled his inner 12-year-old girl at a Justin Bieber concert, posting to Twitter, “OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD…” along with the clip of the “snub.”

The liberal left has become so overly consumed by the hatred for Trump that they have allowed themselves to drop what’s left of their crumbling facade of unbiased professionalism and revealed that they are currently no better than the online trolls they threaten to “out” publicly for making fun of them.

Journalism is in such a sad state these days and the media should be in complete panic, as their constant barrage of fake news and outright lies against the president have ruined what little bit of credibility they may have had remaining.
Please share this on Facebook and Twitter so everyone can see how the Polish president responded to the fake news about the handshake between his wife and President Trump.
What do you think of the media's furor over the supposed handshake "snub" that didn't happen in Poland?

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