Monday, July 31, 2017

Melania Trump Following Trump's Cost Cutting At The White House And Saves Millions

Melania Returns Millions of Dollars That Michelle Secretly Took

Several months ago, the leftist mainstream media went crazy reporting of the decision US first lady Melania Trump made to remain in the Trump Tower in New York City until her son Barron finishes his school year in summer.
Nevertheless, it seems like they are forgetting to report on much more important action Melania has taken recently. She is doing something to save taxpayers’ money and put former first lady Michelle Obama in shadows.
“According to a report published by a private organization that tracks government spending, Open the Books reveals that Melania Trump has saved more money with her staff than Michelle Obama did as the first lady. Melania has 19 fewer staffers dedicated to her office than Michelle did in the White House. Mrs. Trump has five staffers versus the 24 staffers who served Michelle Obama,” reports Inquisitr.
Melania could have 24 staffers, just like her predecessor, but part of the Trump plan was to streamline the White House staff, which under the former first family had become a full bureaucracy.
Michelle thought she was some kind of a diva that she hired multiple staffers, including schedulers, directors, planners, associates, social and press secretaries, and other assistants.
So, you probably wonder how much the current first lady is saving tax-payers. Around $5.1 million dollars a year, but that’s not it.
Generally, the Trump White House is saving $22 million dollars. “President Trump’s ‘leaner White House payroll,’ as reported by Forbes, is saving taxpayers $22 million overall. This information is verified by the fact that the current salaries for White House employees was made public on Friday. Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Jared Kushner are taking a total salary of zero dollars,” as reported by Inquisitr.
It is such a relief to know that after eight years of Barry ruling our country we finally have someone good in the White House, and hopefully America will get on the right path.
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