Thursday, July 13, 2017

Obama Was Not The Man The Image Makers Made Up.


WH Aide Drops Memoir About Hidden And Trashy Obama Behavior


Details of the real Obama that was often hidden from the public have now come 
out, thanks to a fly-on-the-wall memoir by a White House staffer who is airing
 Barack’s dirty secrets.
David Litt was one of the youngest presidential speech writers in recent history, 
and has now released a book about his time working closely with Obama.


Much of the dirty laundry from the book was shared with The Daily Mail, and
 the result is a picture of the 44th president that doesn’t always match the 
Democrat narrative.
The Obama speechwriter all but admitted that there was a “war on women” 
within the Oval Office. Female staff members needed not apply, and bull 
sessions resembled a college fraternity party.
“David Litt, an aide in the White House for nearly all of Obama’s presidency, 
reveals how he was part of an all-male, all-white and all under-40 team which 
produced speech after speech for the president,” The Daily Mail revealed.

“He also reveals how the team – and other White House aides – drank, smoked,
 called each other ‘bro’, and liked – or pretended to like – only college basketball 
to please the president,” the newspaper continued. Amazingly, the frat boy antics 
didn’t end there. It was common… [TWEETS ON NEXT PAGE]

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