Thursday, July 20, 2017

Oh Sugar, Trump's Re-Election Cash Grows By 50% Over The First Quarter!

Donations to Trump’s 2020 Campaign Soar to $13.9 Million, Large Portion Comes From Minorities

Donations to Trump's 2020 Campaign Soar to $13.9 Million, Large Portion Comes From Minorities
Getty Images
Looks like President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign is already gaining steam.
Despite the media’s daily attempt to destroy the president, donations to his campaign have soared, BizPacReview reported.
Trump campaign donations for the second quarter (April to June) topped $13.9 million — up dramatically from the $9.8 million raised in the first quarter.
As BPR notes, this massive influx of new donations totally destroys the media’s narrative that Americans hate Donald Trump.

“Donations to re-elect President Trump in 2020 have been pouring in despite the struggles the brash billionaire has encountered during his first seven months in office,” BPR writes.
The Trump campaign and two fundraising committees (Trump Victory and the Trump Make America Great Again Committee) jointly raised the money for both Trump and the Republican National Committee.
But there is an even better story about these donations.
The liberal, old media establishment continues to claim that Donald Trump is a racist who is hated by minorities, yet a lot of this money has been raised by minorities.
It turns out a large block of this money has been raised by and donated by Chinese-Americans and other Asian communities.
Lianbo Wang and Sherry Li of Oyster Bay, New York, donated $600,000 to the Trump campaign, Politico reported. In addition, Ben and Lily Tang of California donated $300,000. (For the record, I’m not Chinese; I’m Korean.)
And Chinese-Americans aren’t the only minorities raising cash for Trump.
Again, this all demolishes the media’s claims that Trump is universally hated.

But BPR says that this also proves that Trump is stronger for the media’s daily attacks.
While anti-Trumpers believe their relentless attacks will hurt him, the opposite is apparently true. In other words, Trump is “antifragile,” meaning he actually gets stronger after each attack.
While some organizations or people collapse with repeated stress, others get stronger. Apparently Trump grows stronger.
He certainly confounds the fake news media, doesn’t he?

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