Friday, July 21, 2017

Tax Reform Is Long Term Key To Trump

Bill O'Reilly Says Trump's Presidency 

Depends on This One Thing

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Bill O'Reilly Says Trump's Presidency Depends on This One Thing
Wikimedia Commons
Former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly told conservative radio host Glenn Beck 
on Friday that President Donald Trump won’t last four years in the White 
House if he doesn’t get the ball rolling on tax reform.

“I think the president has got to stop everything and just, you know, get 
into the tax cut business and get in fast,” O’Reilly said, adding that Trump
won’t “have any power” if he doesn’t, because the Republican Party “is turning
 on him.”

O’Reilly’s bold prediction prompted Beck to ask if that means he believes 
Trump will be impeached. The former Fox host said that, once the president
 loses support from his base, “they walk away.”

“Then the bad guys come in, and they’re going to throw everything at him. 
 They’ll trump up stuff, they’ll make up stuff,” he asserted. “[I]f he loses his
 support, and he hasn’t so far. His people are staying with him.”


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