Saturday, July 1, 2017

The D Day Soldiers Did Not Kill Babies. Booker Is Wrong On So Many Levels

Democratic senator likens Planned 

Parenthood supporters to

 World War II heroes


Democratic senator likens Planned Parenthood supporters to World War II heroes
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J) likened Planned Parenthood supporters to World War II heroes during a rally Wednesday in Washington, D.C. "Your country needs you," Booker said. "This is our generation's great moral moment." (Astrid Riecken/Getty Images)

Democratic Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) on Wednesday likened Planned
Parenthood supporters to American veterans who “stormed
the beaches of Normandy” during World War II.
Booker made the comment during a Planned Parenthood
rally in Washington, D.C., where protesters voiced opposition
 to the Senate Republican health care bill, which would block
Medicaid funds for the organization of abortion-providing
clinics for at least one year.
“Your country needs you,” Booker told rallygoers. “This is
 our generation’s great moral moment.”
The senator said that opposing the Senate GOP health care
 bill is “a chance for us to stand in front of the forces that want
 to twist and contort the ideals of our country, to being a place
for the rich and the privileged, and where the many of us suffer
and struggle — that is not the American calling; that is not the
 American character.”
In another part of the speech,
 Booker likened Planned
Parenthood supporters to
American World War II heroes
 at Normandy:
We may not be called to storm beaches

in Normandy. That was not our time. We may not be called to stand with

Sojourner truth and utter those words, “I’m sick and tired of being sick and

tired.” We may not be called to stand in the slums with Irish immigrants

who fought for labor rights that we now take for granted. We may not be

called to march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge with John Lewis and

other activists, facing tear gas and billy clubs. Those were not our days.

But today is our day.
Booker called upon Planned Parenthood supporters to
 “summon the strength” of American civil rights icons and
“fight with their determination.”
I call upon you to summon the strength of Frederick Douglass, to summon

the strength of a Harriet Tubman, to summon the strength of a Cesar

Chavez, to summon the strength of a Harvey Milk. This is the time for us

to summon the strength of our ancestors and fight with their determination,

and fight with their will, and fight with their love, with their love, with

their love.

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