Monday, July 17, 2017

Wasserman Schultz Should Be Forced To Live In The Places She Rents

Disgraced Former DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Is Really Seattle’s Most Despicable Slumlord

Another day, another hypocrite libtard busted for being everything they claim to hate. This time it’s disgraced former chair of the Democratic National Convention and Killary’s favorite cheating lackey, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
After a local Seattle newspaper started digging for a brand new devastating exposé on Wasserman Schultz, they quickly found that she is not even close to the goody two-shoeschampion for the poor she pretends to be. According to tenants who live in six of the rental properties Wasserman Schultz owns and operates with her husband, Steve, they are both actually slumlords from Hell.

Several of the dilapidated rental properties on this run down street are owned and operated by Wasserman Schultz and her husband.

According to our verified sources, renters of Wasserman Schultz properties began making formal complaints all the way back in 2013. Their grievances included having no access to hot water for long durations, apartments overrun with rodents and cockroaches (one mother even found a rat in her newborn infant’s crib!), appliances like refrigerators being in disrepair for so long that all the food they contain spoils, and even a rotting chicken from former inhabitants just left in an oven for weeks. 

Unsanitary rodent droppings left in one of the Wasserman Schultz’s properties are common according to tenants.

Records show that Debbie and Steve were aware of the issues, but used their powerful political ties to keep it all quiet. There are even reports that the two used intimidation tactics that they surely learned from Wasserman Schultz’s old boss, Hillary Clinton.

There is currently a class action lawsuit being organized by renters and we are following that story closely. Please stay tuned to The Last Line of Defense for updates in this developing scoop

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