Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Hero Honors His Flag

Watch: Weather Channel Reporter Drops Everything to Make a Patriotic Rescue

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In times of tragedy, tales of heroism emerge — both big and small. What The Weather Channel’s Paul Goodloe did during his coverage of Hurricane Harvey was definitely on the small side. However, it was proof yet again that decency and love of country can’t be defeated by any storm.
Like many of The Weather Channel’s correspondents, Goodloe was in Texas covering the devastation as Harvey made landfall. During one of his reports, he noticed an American flag that had been downed in a school parking lot.
As the video begins, the camera focuses on the flag, which is on the ground beside a downed palm tree. “I’m going to have to pick that up,” Goodloe says in the background.

“I don’t know how strong the winds have to be to cut a palm tree in half, but that’s what happened to the top of this tree,” Goodloe begins.
“But next to it, we’ve got Old Glory,” Goodloe says, walking over to where the flag is.
“I can’t let Old Glory just sit here like that,” he says, then picking it up. “The school — yeah, it’s battered, so is the flag, but we’ve got to fold this up. Make sure this isn’t a casualty to Hurricane Harvey.”
He then handed his microphone over to one of the members of his camera crew and began folding the flag in a strong wind. Eventually, he got some help from some of the other members of his crew.
The video went viral, being viewed over 8.7 million times on The Weather Channel’s Facebook page. On his Facebook account, Goodloe said that dropping everything to rescue the flag was all in a day’s work for him.
“Thanks everyone for your kind words of appreciation. I was only doing what I thought was the right thing to do,” Goodloe posted Sunday evening. “I knew how to fold the flag from grade school flag duty as well as being a Boy Scout! Plan to have the flag cleaned and returned to the school.”

Yes, it may be something small, especially in the midst of a deadly storm — a storm that could be worse than any we’ve seen in this country since Hurricane Katrina in 2005. But it’s certainly not inconsequential. In times like this, the best angels of the human spirit need to make themselves known — and every little bit counts.
Our hats are off to you, Paul Goodloe. Stay safe down there.
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