Friday, August 11, 2017

Appeasement The Im-Perfect Solution To World Problem Leaders

Susan Rice Drops NK Bombshell… This Is What Obama Planned

Take former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, for instance, who penned a column for The New York TimesThursday begging President Donald Trump to stop standing up to North Korea.
“History shows that we can, if we must, tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea — the same way we tolerated the far greater threat of thousands of Soviet nuclear weapons during the Cold War,” she wrote. “It will require being pragmatic.”

What she conveniently neglected to mention is that her definition of pragmatism is in fact the same sort of Chamberlain-esque appeasement that allowed Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler to gain an upper hand prior to the start of World War II.
In fact, her whole career has been a testament to this sort of appeasement, as noted by Joel Pollak of Breitbart.
“In her long and disastrous career, Rice has advocated inaction when intervention would have saved lives,” he explained in a column published after the former adviser’s column hit the Web. “During the Rwandan genocide, she counseled President Bill Clinton to avoid using that term, and helped stop the U.S. from responding.”

“In Benghazi, the Obama administration failed to make any effort to save U.S. diplomats and security personnel — and then Rice lied shamelessly to the American people, blaming a YouTube video for the attack.”
Likewise, the policy of “Strategic Patience” concocted by her and former President Barack Obama to curb the rogue regime’s nuclear ambitions has failed — and will continue failing, according to retired special agent and former U.S. Navy Capt. John M. DeMaggio.
“North Korea has seen many international diplomatic threats and actions come to nothing,” he explained in a recent column for The Hill. “They will in all likelihood ignore future actions, fully expecting the international coalition to follow historical precedent and crumble.”
Trump and his staff recognize that we need a new strategy, but clearly, Rice would prefer that we remain bound to the path set forth by her former boss, Obama, i.e., the same path that led North Korea into gaining this technology in the first place.

I guess it’s true that some people never learn.
H/T Breitbart
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What do you think about Rice's demand that we keep appeasing North Korea?

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