Friday, August 11, 2017

Hillary Does Bad Stuff And Gets Off

Judge Napolitano Calls Out Deep State For Letting Clinton Off The Hook

Fox News analyst Judge Napolitano said Thursday the FBI raid on Paul Manafort’s home was “much more aggressive” than tactics used in the Hillary Clinton investigation.
“This is so much more aggressive than the investigation of Mrs. [Clinton],” Napolitano said on “Fox and Friends.” “The investigation of Mrs. Clinton didn’t even use a grand Jury.”
Napolitano said there is most likely evidence of wrongdoing due to the rare nature of the pre-dawn raid. “They had to use this extraordinary tool of a pre-dawn raid, the most forceful thing the FBI can do to you, short of an arrest in the middle of the night,” he said. “Which they can only use when all other means of acquiring information have failed.”
“Probable cause means that FBI agents went to a federal judge in secret and persuaded her that it was more likely than not that in Mr. Manafort’s house they would find evidence of a crime,” he added.

Read more at the Daily Caller.

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