Saturday, August 5, 2017

Leaks Of Trump Phone Calls Are Treasonous, Illegal And Those Who Leaked Them Should Be Jailed Forever!

CRACKDOWN: White House Considering Using Lie Detectors to Expose Leakers

From the moment Donald Trump became President, his administration has been plagued by leaks. At this rate, the amount of information streaming from the White House by the Globalist/Obama holdover cabal resembles more of a flood than a stream of leaks. Kellyanne Conway reveals the White House is considering using lie detectors to find leaks. 

Independent UK reports:
Kellyanne Conway says that the White House hasn’t ruled out using polygraph tests to try and weed out whoever has been leaking damaging information about the Donald Trump and his staff to the press.
Ms Conway, the senior counsellor to Donald Trump, said in an appearance on Fox & Friends that the West Wing hadn’t ruled out lie detector tests, which have a relatively low accuracy rate at 65 per cent. The tough language comes as the Justice Department is reportedly gearing up a crack down on leaks.
“It’s easier to figure out who’s leaking than the leakers may realise,” Ms Conway said, speaking from the White House lawn.
“Well, they may, they may not” use lie detectors, she continued.
The White House has been in a fury after transcripts of conversations between Mr Trump and the leaders of Mexico and Australia were leaked to the Washington Post. Those transcripts showed Mr Trump engaging in contentious exchanges with those two leaders and allies.

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