Saturday, August 12, 2017

Trump Condemns Actions In Charlottesville

Trump: Working on VA 'but Charlottesville sad!'

Trump: Working on VA 'but Charlottesville sad!'
© Getty Images
President Trump on Saturday afternoon issued a second tweet in which he fleetingly mentioned violent clashes between white nationalists and protesters in Charlottesville, Va. 
"Am in Bedminster for meetings & press conference on V.A. [Department of Veterans Affairs] and all that we have done, and are doing, to make it better-but Charlottesville sad!" Trump said in a tweet. 

Trump first condemned the clashes on Twitter less than an hour before the second tweet.  

Violence erupted in Charlottesville on Saturday morning ahead of a scheduled gathering by white nationalist and alt-right groups.
The rally was originally prompted by ongoing opposition to a city decision to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.
That violence prompted Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe to declare a state of emergency, as police marched on the scene ordering protesters to disperse.
Several elected officials, including the first lady, condemned the violent attacks hours before the president did. 

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