Saturday, August 5, 2017

Was There Something Untoward In the Debbie Wasserman Schultz Relationship With Her IT Guy?

Rush Limbaugh has an interesting theory on Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s fate after IT aide’s arrest


Rush Limbaugh has an interesting theory on Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s fate after IT aide’s arrest
Rush Limbaugh questions what will happen to Debbie Wasserman Schultz after the arrest of her former IT aide. (Getty Images)

Rush Limbaugh on Friday took on the scandal that rocked Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s office — the July arrest of her former IT aide, Imran Awan.
Pakistani-born Awan, who was a longtime IT aide to former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz, was arrested at Washington, D.C.’s Dulles International Airport while trying to flee the country.
He was charged with multiple counts of bank fraud which stemmed from an investigation of an information technology procurement scandal in the U.S. House.
Awan was the lead suspect in an ongoing criminal probe into security breaches within the House of Representatives that was launched on Feb. 2. He allegedly doubled charged the U.S. House for IT equipment and may have exposed sensitive House members’ information online. According to previous reports, Wasserman Schultz kept Awan on her payroll, even though he had been banned from House servers by Capitol Hill security.
Additionally, it was reported that Awan was still on the House payroll under Wasserman Schultz at the time of his arrest.
Limbaugh, for his part, questioned Wasserman Schultz’s explanation that she felt that Awan’s arrest was the result of Islamophobia.
“We are gonna get into a little bit more about Debbie ‘Blabbermouth’ Schultz and her IT staffer,” Limbaugh said during the Friday airing of his nationally syndicated radio show. “She gave an interview … and the way this reads, she went out of her way to keep this guy on the staff, and she goes so far as to say, ‘I really felt that he was becoming a victim of anti-Muslim bias.'”
He continued, “Now, this is the guy that performed all kinds of trickery when her own computer network system at the Democrat National Committee. The guy should have been fired long ago. Not only she didn’t fire him, she kept him on the payroll and kept him close. This reads … Well, I don’t want to go there, but it reads like there was something else going between these two than just a work relationship. That’s the way I’ll put this. ‘Cause this doesn’t make any sense, holding onto this guy knowing full well what he did, ’cause these flimsy excuses here that she is offering really don’t hold any water.”
A listener called in during the segment about Wasserman Schultz, and told Limbaugh she wondered if the former DNC chair would get away with a cover-up.
Limbaugh answered, “The Debbie ‘Blabbermouth’ Schultz thing is interesting. Your overall question, is she gonna get away with it? Traditionally Democrats do get away. Hillary has gotten away with whatever she did with her emails. And Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch appear to get away with what should have been an illegal meeting on her airport on the tarmac in Phoenix while a supposed investigation of her emails was being conducted by the FBI. All of these various nefarious activities never seem to be called upon.”
“Debbie ‘Blabbermouth’ Schultz finally broke her silence on this staffer of hers that was arrested, Imran Awan,” the radio host continued. “She says that she has no regrets about keeping him on the payroll after he was blocked from working on Capitol Hill. This guy and his brothers may actually have stolen and hacked all kinds of data from the DNC servers. They are Pakistani. They wired $236,000 back to Pakistan. They were allowed to keep it. Debbie ‘Blabbermouth’ Schultz said, ‘I did the right thing keeping him on, and I would do it again. It would have been easier for me to just fire him.'”
Limbaugh added, “But she says she kept him on because she felt that he was being discriminated against because of his Islamic or Muslim religion. Now, folks, this guy was a thief. This guy had stolen, hacked, who knows what — part of the IT firm that they had hired to protect their data. I mean, it’s a royal mess. And this guy was attempting to flee the country when he was caught and arrested, and Debbie Schultz is saying, ‘I woulda kept him on, I don’t care.’ There’s something between these two beyond the work relationship, because this doesn’t make any sense. Whether she gets away with this or not? I don’t see any evidence that she won’t.”

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