Monday, August 21, 2017

Where Is The Liberal Revulsion Of This Event?

Watch: Elderly Woman Attacked by Lib Protesters Speaks Out


An elderly woman who carried an American flag to a “free speech” event in Boston this weekend was knocked to the ground by a leftist protester who clearly despises that essential American liberty.
According to ABC News, the conservative free speech rally had been scheduled for this weekend at Boston Common, but tens of thousands of protesters showed up to counter the event after the Aug. 12 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virgina, that resulted in the death of one counter-protester.
It’s important to point out that none of the individuals who were speaking were white nationalists or neo-Nazis, and the group that held the rally openly disavowed political hatred in a Facebook post.

It’s true that several of the organizers and speakers were controversial — notably Kyle Chapman, who was previously recorded assaulting anti-Trump protesters, and Joe Biggs of conspiracy theory website InfoWars — and several hate groups said they would be sending members to attend.
But the event itself was focused on the First Amendment guarantee of free speech in the United States — not a political ideology.
“While we maintain that every individual is entitled to their freedom of speech and defend that basic human right, we will not be offering our platform to racism or bigotry,” organizers of the event wrote in a post last week. “We denounce the politics of supremacy and violence. We denounce the actions, activities, and tactics of the so-called Antifa movement. We denounce the normalization of political violence.”
That didn’t stop liberals from doing things like this, however:
The protester grabbed the woman’s flag from behind and then ran with it as she refused to let go.
“I tried to get it back and he hit me and knocked me on the ground,” the woman said when interviewed later.

“I’m tired, I’m so tired of everything,” the woman said through tears. “The freedom we fought for many years ago, I’m watching it be destroyed by groups that don’t care.”

Of course, this didn’t get a whole lot of play in the media. Rather, it was antifa’s clashes with police — which included 33 arrests and bottles full of urine being tossed at law enforcement — that got most of the bad headlines, if media outlets reported anything that would reflect negatively on the protesters.
Instead, most of the coverage focused on the idea that it was a “peaceful” display of “love.” Right. Does this look like what the alt-left was engaged in to you? Do you think this nasty dose of violence and the bottles of urine being thrown at police were the only incidents that occurred?
That’s what I thought.
Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter with your thoughts on the Boston protests.
What do you think should happen to this thug? S

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