Saturday, August 12, 2017

Will Democrats Shutdown Government Over Border Wall Or Will Republicans Cave. Probably The Latter!

Dems Threaten Govt Shutdown To Block Border Wall

(Breitbart) Democrats are threatening to shutter many government agencies on October 1 unless President Donald Trump gives up his popular campaign promise to build the border wall against Mexico, according to Politico.
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Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) Twitter
In response, Trump’s deputies are offering political compromises to Democrats, including a rise in domestic spending, says Politico:
The White House is pushing a deal on Capitol Hill to head off a government shutdown that would lift strict spending caps long opposed by Democrats in exchange for money for President Donald Trump’s border wall with Mexico, multiple sources said.
Marc Short, the White House’s director of legislative affairs, met with top staffers from both parties on the Senate Appropriations Committee last week to make a hard sell for the proposal, the sources said.
Short — who said the border funding would be used for a “double fence” — stressed that the White House is insisting on a down payment for construction this fall. Short also lobbied for a big budget increase for the Pentagon, another priority for Trump.
If Democrats block the spending plan, many government agencies will have to send their employees home. But national security agencies, and various aid programs, such as the Social Security program, would keep operating.
Trump’s pending request for an October funding package of $1.6 billion would help build roughly 62 miles of border wall. In May, Democrats — aided by a passive GOP leadership — blocked a 2017 funding package that would have helped quickly build 42 miles of wall.
Led by Sen. Chuck Schumer, Democrats are hoping to block any wall construction, so protecting the northward flow of government-dependent workers to Democratic-run cities, and also breaking Trump’s 2016 primary campaign promise…

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