Monday, October 9, 2017

Another Reason NOT To Watch The NFL?

NFL Players Union CAUGHT

 Funneling Money To Anti-Trump


  • 10/06/2017 
  • Source: 2nd Vote 
  • by: 2nd Vote Staff
NFL Players Union CAUGHT Funneling Money To Anti-Trump Resistance
By Michael Tipton; 2009 NFL Black Logo;
“A prominent anti-Trump ‘resistance’ organization” and several other
 leftist groups receive direct donations from the National Football 
League Players Association (NFLPA).

2ndVote has found the NFLPA provides financial support to the Center
 for Community Change Action, which according to the Washington Free
 Beacon, “has been involved in direct action against President Donald 
Trump and Republicans before and after the November elections.” 
2ndVote’s research team found the NFL Players Association is identified 
as an organization that donates in support of the center’s work in the latest
 available annual report.

The NFLPA is an AFL-CIO affiliated labor union that represents all NFL
 players and has defended those participating in the controversial national
 anthem protests in recent weeks. 2ndVote has also found dozens of major corporations such as Pepsi, Verizon, and USAA sponsor the NFLPA.

According to the Free Beacon, millions of dollars in contributions flow to
 the Center for Community Change, a Washington, DC-based 501(c)(3) 
non-profit, from major liberal foundations such as the W.K. Kellogg Foundation,
 the Ford Foundation, and George Soros’s Open Society Foundation. The
 Center for Community Change Action is the group’s 501(c)(4) “social welfare”
 arm, which has received contributions from organizations affiliated with Soros,
 labor unions, and left-wing activists.

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