Friday, October 20, 2017

As Long As The Money Kept Rolling In, Dems Ignored Weinstein.

Bombshell: Longtime Clinton Friend Admits ‘Warning’ Top-Level Democrats About Weinstein

Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, the creator of the iconic 90s sitcomDesigning Women and a close friend for decades of Bill and Hillary Clinton, admits that she not only knew of producer Harvey Weinstein’s predations, but that she warned “top-level” Democrats about him.

Buried deep within a Hollywood Reporter guest column, Bloodworth-Thomason drops this bombshell (with a deflecting shot at Fox News): “I confess to having had no problem warning at least three top-level Democratic operatives against allowing Harvey Weinstein to host political fundraisers. A warning that evidently (and to the glee of Fox News) fell on deaf ears.”
She also says she was a member of “a ‘Let’s Bring Harvey Weinstein Down’ lunch club” and appears to express some disbelief towards those who, “despite knowing him for decades,” now “announce they had no idea what was going on.”
To this, she writes, “OK. Whatever.”
If Bloodworth-Thomason knew about Weinstein’s alleged predations and warned top-level Democrats, how difficult is it to add two and two to come up with the Clintons and the Democrat Party knew?
Certainly, and we have no reason to doubt Bloodworth-Thomason, at least three top-level Democrats knew, and did nothing to stop Weinstein from becoming a major player and fundraiser within the Party.
Talk about a War on Women.
For the Clintons and the Democrat Party, Harvey Weinstein was a rainmaker. Over the years, he not only personally contributes somewhere around a million dollars to various Democrats, including the Clintons and President Obama, his bundling and fundraising raised, by some estimates, tens of millions of dollars.
Moreover, these high-level political connections undoubtedly helped to shield him for all of these years.
Bloodworth-Thomason is also open about why high-powered men remain protected. She admits her feminism was tested by Bill Clinton’s behavior when she was on the frontlines defending him in the 1990s:
However, I will be the first to admit that clearly delineated moral choices can still be painfully complex where friendship is involved. One of the best friends I will ever have and a man I love dearly, former President Bill Clinton, has certainly taxed my feminist conscience, but always without diminishing my affection. I even helped write his apology to the nation for his own sexual misconduct, was sitting next to him when he delivered it, and believe to this day it was based on something that was none of our business. And yes, some may call it hypocritical[.]
There is also an ominous moment in the column, an admission that “these kinds of atrocities against women routinely go unreported and unpunished in the entertainment industry.”
Maybe in her next column, Bloodworth-Thomason will feel comfortable enough to tell us who these monsters are.
She writes, “Change is coming. There is a new feeling in the air.”
But until women like Bloodworth-Thomason can work in a Hollywood that feels safe enough to point to and say the names of these monsters, nothing will change.

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