Monday, October 30, 2017

There Is More To The Manafort Arrest Than Meets The Eye

Manafort indictment about more than just getting Trump

You will now hear ad nauseum that the Robert Mueller investigation is all about tying Donald Trump’s presidential victory to Russia influence and that the arrest of former Trump operative Paul Manafort is the tip of the iceberg to take out Trump over his Russia ties.
But the charges Manafort and Rick Gates face are not about their work on the Trump campaign and the “Trump-Russia collusion” investigation is about much more than Trump. It’s about protecting the Deep State.
The compromised and corrupt “special counsel” heading up the investigation into possible collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and Russia claimed its first scalps Monday, with former Trump campaign operative Manafort and his business partner Gates surrendering to the FBI after they were indicted on tax and conspiracy charges and other violations.
The state propaganda corporate media was all atwitter Monday morning as they gleefully reported what they claim is the beginning of the end for the Trump presidency and his team.
The charges involve Manafort’s and Gates’ work for the democratically elected and Russia-friendly president of Ukraine who was ousted by the Barack Obama CIA in a coup in 2014.
As Bob Livingston wrote at the time:
Elected Ukrainian pro-Russia President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted after he rejected the International Monetary Fund’s demands to raise taxes and devalue the currency. So the U.S. and the EU installed central banker and hand puppet Arseniy “Yats” Yatsenyuk. A Forbes article described Yats as “… the kind of technocrat you want if you want austerity, with the veneer of professionalism. He’s the type of guy who can hobnob with the European elite. A Mario Monti type: unelected and willing to do the IMFs bidding.”
In the wee hours of the morning of March 2, the U.S. took possession of Ukraine’s $1.8 billion (estimated value) gold reserves. That’s partial payback for the $5 billion the U.S. invested in dragging Ukraine toward the EU. It’s also gold the U.S. can pass on to Germany, which has been seeking to have its gold — supposedly held by the Federal Reserve — returned.
The U.S. – with the senile war mongering Arizona Senator John McCain front and center — backed anti-Russian fascists in Ukraine, and even supplied weapons to them which were used to spark violent false-flag attacks which the propaganda media blamed on Russia. Their aim was to install a puppet regime friendly to the globalist banksters and the U.S.
Manafort and his firm, which Gates helped run, spent years as Yanukovych’s political consultants. But also working for Yanukovych was the Podesta Group of Democrat operatives Tony and John Podesta – a fact the Podestas attempted to hide by not disclosing the extent of their work on their lobbying reports to Congress.  John Podesta worked on the Hillary Clinton campaign and covertly for the Clinton State Department as revealed by emails dumped by WikiLeaks.
Of course, Mueller has his own hands dirtied by Russian contacts. In 2009 while FBI director he delivered a 10-gram sample of enriched uranium to contacts on a Moscow tarmac on behalf of Clinton. And also while FBI director, Mueller slow-walked an investigation into bribery and corruption charges surrounding the Clinton-brokered deal sell licenses to mine U.S. uranium deposits in Kazakhstan to the Russian firm Rosatom. In exchange, the Clinton’s money laundering operation the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton himself received a combined sum in excess of $9 million.
Meanwhile, an Obama-appointed judge who contributed to the Obama campaign has ordered the bank records for Fusion GPS — the opposition research team paid $9 million by the Clinton campaign to produce the phony dossier that sparked the Russia collusion narrative and led to illegal wiretaps and unmasking of Trump campaign operatives – to be sealed from the public and most of Congress.
But the propaganda media won’t be talking about that. Just about Manafort’s ties to Trump and Trump’s ties to Russia.

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