Sunday, October 29, 2017

We Need Your Help!!

The following is a letter I am sending to all my Facebook, Twitter and Conservative Musings fans.  I need your help to blow away my fundraising goal (which is modest--probably too low based on my great followers)!  Can you help me with a buck, a ten spot, a hundie?  Whatever you can do will go to help kids who have or had cancer.  

Do it for the kids, please!!

Conservative Tom

My friend,

It has been nine years since our son, Stephen, was diagnosed with Lymphoma and seven years since we started our Foundation ( ) to raise money to fight this dreaded disease and to help kids who have had to face cancer. 

We are one of the lucky parents whose son survived and has thrived.  Many are not so lucky.

So each year at this time I do what every cancer patient dreads—to lose their hair. I do it to raise money and to show others that losing hair is the least of the problems that a kid (or adult for that matter) has to surmount in their battle.

I will be shaving my head on November 24, 2017. Yes, it is the day after Thanksgiving, a day where we all give thanks for the many blessings that we have had over the past year. What a wonderful way to start the new year to help those who have not been as lucky or blessed as we are.  Will you join me?

A contribution of any amount will work. Every dollar we raise gets us closer to the cure for cancer as a portion our fundraising goes to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Your generosity also allows us to contribute to Rainbow Connection, a local charity which gives “wishes” to Michigan kids who have life threatening diseases. And we work with a local firm, Producers Choice, to give scholarships to Michigan kids who had cancer and are entering their Freshman year in college.  We are doing good work!

Can you help us either by a personal contribution or starting your own fundraising team? 

The link to my fundraising site is:  It is easy and painless to contribute, hey, if I can do it, so can you!

Thank you so much for your assistance and for helping us to fight cancer.

Tom Vorenberg

P.S.  If you would like to join me in shaving your head (or by having your hair cut short)  please let me know and we will make arrangements either on November 24 or some other convenient day! We also will feature you on our website with before and after pictures!!  Actually, it is a lot of fun! Please join us!

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