Saturday, November 25, 2017

Betcha She Doesn't Follow Through

Actress Debra Messing freaks out after NY Times runs profile on Ben Shapiro, cancels subscription

Actress Debra Messing freaks out after NY Times runs profile on Ben Shapiro, cancels subscription
Debra Messing cancels New York Times subscription after the newspaper publishes positive profile of Ben Shapiro. (SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

Liberal actress Debra Messing, best known for her star role in “Will &Grace,” is not happy with the New York Times and plans to cancel her subscription. Her reason? The paper’s journalism.

What happened?

The Times on Thursday published a relatively positive profile on conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, who this year has taken the nation by storm. Shapiro has become one of the most influential voices on the right, especially among younger conservatives and libertarians, and his podcast and news website are among the most viewed and listened to in politics.
It would only make sense for the Times, given its status as the leading national newspaper, to profile Shapiro. But not everyone was happy; enter Debra Messing.

What did she say?

Messing replied to a tweet about the Shapiro profile on Friday explaining that she had cancelled her New York Times subscription because of the profile.

Messing’s tweet came in response to liberal journalist Eric Boehlert, who said the Shapiro profile was part of the reason Donald Trump is president.

Messing is an outspoken liberal who routinely posts anti-Trump, anti-Second Amendment statements and pictures to her Twitter account. She even spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

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