Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Democrats Are Licking Their Chops To "Get Trump"

Dems ready new impeachment push, former White House aide says Trump is ‘f—ed’

Democratic lawmakers are reportedly working with constitutional scholars to solidify an argument to impeach President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, a former Trump campaign aide predicts special prosecutor Robert Mueller is close to revealing corrupt ties between the president’s business empire and Russia.
According to a report out in The Hill Wednesday, congressional Democrats are working to put together an impeachment case before Thanksgiving.
“It is clear to us that he is unfit to be president of the United States of America,” Rep. Louis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.) told the newspaper.
Gutiérrez, who is leading the impeachment charge, was light on specifics , only telling the newspaper that lawmakers are working with a team of constitutional experts to ensure they have a solid case against the president.
“I assure you we will not leave you lacking for reason,” he told The Hill.
Democrats have struggled to generate interest for impeachment efforts against Trump several times since he took office in January. But pro-impeachment members of the party say recent indictments of people close to Trump in the Russia collusion investigation mean the time for a significant impeachment push is now.
Democrats are likely looking to hit Trump with articles of impeachment as negative press surrounding the collusion investigation reaches fever pitch.
The Mueller investigation is certainly taking a toll on Trump’s approval rating, with 62 percent of respondents to a recent Gallup survey saying they are unhappy withe the president’s job performance.
Sam Nunberg, a campaign aide fired by Trump earlier this year, claims Mueller’s recent indictments and Trump’s abysmal approval rating signal the beginning of the end for the administration.
“Trump is at 33 percent in Gallup. You can’t go any lower. He’s fucked,” he told Vanity Fair.
Nunberg was interviewed by the magazine for a piece pondering “what the endgame for Trump looks like.
The former Trump associate says Mueller’s recent indictments signal that the investigation is now poised to “go over every financial dealing of Jared Kushner and the Trump Organization.”
Still, Mueller has yet to reveal anything signaling corrupt ties between the president and Russia.

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