Friday, November 17, 2017

What Do When You Hate The Results Of Your Survey? Delete It?

BLM Deletes Poll After Trump Wins by a Landslide, But We Took a Screenshot

Black Lives Matter Deletes Pro-Trump Poll
The Black Lives Matter group suffered an embarrassing loss when it posted a poll that asked about President Donald Trump’s job performance, and the backing for the president was overwhelming.
The poll, first put up on Twitter on Nov. 15 by the group, was posted three different times in the clear hope that most respondents would disapprove of Trump’s performance.
But that wasn’t the case.
The tweet asked: “Do you approve or disapprove of President Trump’s job performance? Do vote and retweet.”
Quickly, the scores came in.
TRENDING: BLM Deletes Poll After Trump Wins by a Landslide, But We Took a Screenshot
In no time at all, Trump’s approval rating was up to 50 percent, then 60 percent, finally 70 percent. Only 28 percent of respondents said they disapproved of the president’s performance.
The group apparently realized what was happening and scrambled to take the poll down.
However, Twitter users are sharing a screenshot of the poll.
Here’s what it looks like:
Other Twitter users came forward to mock the Black Lives Matter group and reveal the group’s intentional smear campaign against the president.
Black Lives Matter — and groups like them — wants to control the narrative and tell Americans what they shouldthink about Trump — and other important national matters as well.
But Americans can’t be fooled, and the group is finally starting to notice. That’s why it took down the poll when it didn’t produce results liberals had hoped for.
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They’re embarrassed and they should be, because they can’t twist the truth.
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