Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Another Indication Of The Fall Of Germany

Animal Brothels Open in Germany as Migrant Population Hits 22 Percent

Animal Brothels on Rise in Germany
As the flood of refugees fleeing jihadist-filled war zones in the Middle East and North Africa have poured into Europe over the past few years, Germany has served as the final destination for a substantial number of them.
According to Reuters, Germany witnessed an 8.5 percent increase in their migrant population in 2016, placing the total number of residents in the country with an immigrant background at approximately 18.6 million people.
The Federal Statistics Office noted that roughly one-fifth of the German population — about 22.5 percent — were either first or second generation migrants with one or less parents of Germanic heritage.
To be sure, the majority of those migrants to Germany actually originated in other European nations and are descended from European heritage, but a significant minority of them — particularly those who have come in the past few years — have originated from the Middle East or Africa.
It is estimated that around 2.3 million people in Germany have familial links to the Middle East, a 51 percent increase since 2011. Similarly, the population of those whose families came from Africa stands at around 750,000, a 46 percent increase since 2011.
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About 1 million of those migrants from the Middle East or Africa arrived in Germany as part of the wave of refugees in 2015 and 2016.
Meanwhile, and potentially entirely unrelated … the U.K. Daily Mail just reported on a substantial rise in cases of bestiality within Germany over the same time period, so much so that “animal brothels” have actually become a thing.
Yes, you read that correctly — bestiality, also known as zoophilia, the practice of humans having sexual relations with animals, is a growing trend and “lifestyle choice” in the prominent central European nation.
A livestock protection and animal welfare officer named Madeleine Martin is now warning government officials that laws must be put in place to stop the rapid spread of these brothels that allow and encourage people to have sex with animals.
As an example of the growing trend, Martin pointed to a particular farmer with a flock of sheep who noticed that his animals had become increasingly skittish around people.
The farmer had surveillance cameras installed on his property, and lo and behold, caught several men entering his barn at night to engage sexually with his flock.
Martin stressed that this was but one example of many similar cases she has compiled all across the country, and she wants the government to do something about it.
It is worth noting that bestiality was once illegal in Germany, but the law banning it was dropped from the books in 1969.
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There had been talk in 2016 of reinstating the ban, but Martin is done with mere talking and is demanding that changes be made to the national Animal Protection Code to do just that — protect the animals from abuse by sexually deviant people.
The chairman of the agricultural committee, Hans Michael-Goldman, said changes could be made in the laws to forbid the use of animals “for individual sexual acts and to outlaw people ‘pimping’ creatures to others for sexual use,” which would effectively ban the “animal brothels” or “erotic zoos,” as some call them.
Violation of the newly proposed ban would likely result in a fine equivalent to more than $30,000 for a first offense, increasing thereafter. Of course, proponents of bestiality have vowed to fight any ban with legal challenges of their own, so we will have see how that plays out in court.
H/T Dangerous
Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word about the significant increase in bestiality and “animal brothels” in Germany — occurring at the same time the country has seen a vast influx of migrants and refugees.
What do you think of the rise of bestiality in Germany? 

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