Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Being A Friend Of Bernie Does Not Prevent You From Being Deported If You Are An Illegal Alien

Trump's Deportation Squad 

NABS Bernie's Press Secretary

  • 12/19/2017 
  • Source: AAN 
  • by: Remington Strelivo
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image: https://aanews-structure-psyclone.netdna-ssl.com/client_assets/aanews/media/picture/59b8/2038/6970/2d7c/0fe7/0d00/content_640px-Bernie_Sanders_by_Lorie_Shaull_24.jpg?1505239115
Trump's Deportation Squad NABS Bernie's Press Secretary
By Lorie Shaull - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52064813
Bernie Sanders's former press secretary is an illegal immigrant – who's now
 in the process of being deported after her recent arrest in Washington,

SEE ALSO: Trump's Deportation Squads 7 Most Wanted

Erika Andiola, who worked for Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign as the
press secretary for Hispanic media, was arrested on Friday. Capitol Hill Police
 hauled her, six other illegal immigrants, and one "ally" after they staged a

sit-in at the office of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Their
protest was in response to the repeal of President Obama's Deferred Action
for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Andiola, a native of Mexico, posted on Facebook and Twitter shortly after her
arrest about refusal to cooperate with law enforcement.

She wrote: "I am still in police custody after being released last night at
 @SenSchumer's office demanding he proves his claim to support
 Dreamers by organizing his caucus to block any spending deal that does
 not include a clean #DreamAct. I am refusing to cooperate and will remain
 in jail at risk of deportation... until he meets this demand."

The group of Dreamers is now engaging in a hunger strike. They're hoping
that their actions will push Schumer into fighting harder for the DREAM Act –
which would give legal status to illegal immigrants who were brought to the
United States as children – before Congress votes on the next spending bill
on December 22.

However, despite Schumer's strong language in support of the DREAM Act
 back in September, he's not indicated that he's willing to initiate a
government shutdown to guarantee the DREAM Act.

Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/trump-s-deportation-squad-nabs-bernie-s-press-secretary#ZGodU5sdmhWHqakV.99

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