Friday, December 29, 2017

Every Once In A While Reason Triumphs

Chelsea Clinton SHOCKS Melania Trump (she said what!?)

It is pretty evident that most Americans love and admire our First Lady Melania Trump, but no one could have seen this coming — Chelsea Clinton has just publicly thanked Melania.
While many liberals were spending their time bashing Melania for cutting down a dying tree, Chelsea took note of the admirable decision Melania made.
Chelsea’s latest tweet is sure to make a lot of people angry — especially her psychotic mother, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Earlier this week, it was announced that Melania had officially made the decision to cut down the historic Jackson Magnolia due to the damage it has suffered. Her decision was fully recommended by a tree specialist.
Social media users attacked Melania for this choice without even knowing what her true plans were.
Melania had a brillant plan in mind, she requested to use the wood from the 200-year-old tree to be replanted in the same area.
“Mrs. Trump has asked that wood from the tree be preserved, and that seedlings be available if the opportunity to plant a new tree arises,” explained Stephanie Grisham, a spokeswoman for Melania.

Although so many idiotic leftists turned this innocent act into a controversary, Chelsea did not take their side — this is a very public move that her mother will definitely not approve of!
And this is not the first time that Chelsea has stood up for a member of the Trump family. When Melania’s son Barron Trump was being attacked for dressing like a normal 11-year-old, rather than a president’s son, Chelsea told the media to leave the young boy alone.
Conservative Tribune said, “Hillary and the mainstream media ought to be paying attention: Even Chelsea Clinton can admit when a Trump is right once in a while.”

We are sure that Hillary is foaming at the mouth with anger right now.
Hillary and the fake news media should take some notes from Chelsea.
–Kylie Handler is a news editor for The Horn News

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