Thursday, December 7, 2017

Is The FBI Still A Reliable Organization?

New Allegations of Political Bias and Interference in FBI Emerge Involving Swamp Creature McCabe

GOP lawmakers say they have heard new stories of political bias or interference within the FBI, John Solomon of The Hill reports.
Rep. Ron DeSantis revealed Wednesday that he interviewed a retired FBI advisor who said he was instructed by Andrew McCabe not to call the Beghazi attack an act of terrorism in the FBI reports despite incontrovertible evidence al Qaeda had directed the attack.
Via The Hill:
The agent found the instruction concerning because his unit had gathered incontrovertible evidence showing a major al Qaeda figure had directed the attack and the information had already been briefed to President Obama, the lawmaker said.
In the days after the 2012 attack, Obama administration officials initially said it was related to spontaneous Muslim anger over an anti-Islam video tape and not a planned-out act of terrorism.
DeSantis argued the example highlights the politicization of the FBI.
“What operational reason would there be to issue an edict to agents telling them, in the face of virtually conclusive evidence to the contrary, not to categorize the Benghazi attack as a result of terrorism?  By placing the interests of the Obama administration over the public’s interests, the order is yet another data point highlighting the politicization of the FBI,” DeSantis said.
So Obama was briefed by the FBI showing incontrovertible evidence that a major al Qaeda figure directed the Benghazi attack and it was still reported by LYING SUSAN RICE that an anti-Muslim YouTube video caused the attack.
Then swamp creature McCabe instructed the FBI reports to be scrubbed of any mention of terrorism.
Why the hell is McCabe still in the FBI??
President Trump, please for the sake of our country’s future, fire every single Obama holdover now!
McCabe, Comey and Mueller destroyed the FBI protecting Obama and Hillary.
Rep Ron DeSantis and many other lawmakers say they plan to grill Christopher Wray at a hearing Thursday before the House Judiciary Committee about FBI supervisors who make decisions based on political biases.
Earlier Wednesday, members of the Freedom Caucus stood in front of the Capitol and called upon FBI Director Christopher Wray to now address their concerns surrounding Hillary Clinton.
Rep. Hice of George stood strong against the bungled investigation into failed presidential candidate Clinton:
“It is clear that Hillary Clinton’s received break after break after break from the FBI…. Everyone ought to be treated equally under the law, regardless of who they are.” He called for “an investigation into the FBI’s process and procedures.”
Following, Rep. Perry of Pennsylvania made it clear that if we allow the corruption that leads to Clinton being “let off” to continue, we may wind up in a “police state”:
“Is this now a Justice Department that prosecutes individuals? Folks, this is how police states are started. This is how it begins. And it has to stop.”

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