Thursday, December 28, 2017

Maybe Trump Should Treat California Like Those Countries Who Did Not Support Him In The UN!

After Cali Promotes Secession, They’re Faced With Biggest Threat Yet

Cali "Secessionists" Now Begging for Help
It’s been said that “pride comes before a fall”… but it might come before winter, too.
Not long after the presidential election, liberal Californians voiced their displeasure with the result using the only mature course of action: They threatened to secede.
It may seem far-fetched, but the “Calexit” movement to leave the United States as a protest against President Donald Trump has picked up a surprising amount of steam, along with similar plans to split the large state into several different territories.
The “leave America” crowd may have been shortsighted, however. California has faced a rash of wildfires that have embarrassingly forced the state to request assistance from the Trump-run federal government — and the area could face an even more serious threat this winter.
According to The Los Angeles Times, a very dry and hot winter season could mean disastrous droughts.
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“California’s dismally dry autumn paints a bleak outlook for the state’s rainy season, unless the weather this winter makes a big about-face,” the newspaper reported.
“Essentially in California, especially Southern California, we’re reliant on a pretty small number of precipitation events to … bring most of the water,” stated UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain. “And it’s easy to miss out on just a couple of events and have a dry year.”
That dry spell has already wreaked havoc on the state by dramatically increasing the wildfire risk.
“This October and November were the hottest in 122 years of record keeping for the region,” the Times reported.
“The dry conditions are partly to blame for the worst fire season on record in California. Low humidity and lack of rain coupled with high winds fueled destructive wildfires from Mendocino down to San Diego this fall.”
As those flames raged throughout California, several of Trump’s opponents were forced to eat crow and all but beg the president for federal help.
“I respectfully request you declare a major disaster in the state of California as a result of the devastating wildfires burning in Southern California for weeks,” Democrat Gov. Jerry Brown wrote to Trump last week, according to the Los Angeles Daily News.
“(T)his incident is of such severity and magnitude that an effective response is beyond the capabilities of the State and affected local governments and supplemental federal assistance is necessary,” the left-leaning governor continued.
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Two other Democrats — both extremely critical of Trump — also sent a joint letter asking the president and the federal government to intervene.
“This year’s wildfire season in California has been nothing short of catastrophic,” wrote Sens. Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein.
Admitting that your state can’t handle an emergency is not exactly a glowing endorsement for the California secession movement.
In fact, the same governor who is now begging Trump to send in the cavalry claimed that he felt threatened by the United States of America just a year ago.
“We’d have to build a wall around California to defend ourselves from the rest of this country,” Brown said last year of the prospect of a Trump election win, according to Politico.
Now he can’t wait for “the rest of the country” to come to his aid — and if the winter is as dry as experts predict, even more federal assistance might be needed soon. Life comes at you fast, Jerry.
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What do you think President Trump should do about California's request? 

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