Thursday, December 28, 2017

New Missile May Change Warfare

Trump Jumpstarts “Project Gray Wolf” Striking Fear Directly to KJU

In a $110 million dollar contract, Lockheed Martin has announced that it will begin working on a program simply known as “Project Gray Wolf.” This contract will create the first weapon of its kind, swarming missiles, that is sure to strike terror into the hearts of the United States enemies, including North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.
According to the U.K. Daily Mail, the missiles, “will be a low-cost missile with built-in networked, collaborative behaviours – or, swarming behaviours.”
In essence, these missiles will be able to communicate to each other. Pretty darn cool.
The missiles will initially work with the F-16 fighter jet, but will work with other planes as well. The F-35, F-15, F-18, B-1, B-2 and B-52 aircraft will all eventually get this new technology.
Advanced Missiles Program director for Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Hady Mourad told the Daily Mail:  “(O)ur system is being designed to maximize modularity, allowing our customer to incorporate advanced technologies such as more lethal warheads or more fuel-efficient engines, when those systems become available.”
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In addition to missiles that swarm, Lockheed Martin is also creating a high-powered fiber laser for fighter jets.
This is literally almost something you would see from a “Star Wars” movie.
According to Daily Mail, “the new laser system would allow fighter jets to take down targets from the air, in contrast to previous systems, which were mounted on vehicles or ships.”
Under a $26.3 million contract from the Air Force Research Lab, Lockheed Martin plans to develop “a directed energy system for aircraft, with plans to test the technology by 2021.”
Lockheed Martin has had success with similar ground based systems, now the company is moving toward developing that same technology for airborne systems.
While all of this seems pretty amazing, the “swarm” missiles won’t be ready until 2019 while the laser weapons for aircraft are looking at a much later date.
Regardless, as phones, TVs, and even cars become “smarter,” rest assured, you’re going to see that happen with our weapons systems all the more. Having missiles that can communicate with each other is some pretty amazing technology.
As Trump continues his presidency, look for more technological advances as well as a stronger military. If there’s one thing we know about President Donald Trump, it’s this:
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He wants our military to be the best trained and best equipped military in the world, and will do whatever it takes to make it happen.
“Project Gray Wolf” does just that.
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What do you think about this new technology?

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