Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Next Stop -- Trump Station

Israel Bestows This Amazing Honor 

On President Trump

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Israel Bestows This Amazing Honor On President Trump
The Israeli government intends to honor U.S. President Donald Trump by 
placing his name on a new train station that will be built next to the Western Wall.

Israeli Transportation Minister Israel Katz says the decision was made in
 response to President Trump’s declaration that Jerusalem is the capital 
of Israel and his decision to begin the process of moving the U.S. embassy 
there from Tel Aviv.

“The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided 
to name the train station that leads to it after President Trump — following
 his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the
 State of Israel,” Katz said.

The new Trump train station will be part of a larger construction project 
connecting Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by high-speed railway, The Jerusalem 
Post reports.


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