Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The FBI--Is It Totally Corrupt Or Only Part

FBI's Insurance Policy Against 

Trump Revealed

  • 12/18/2017 
  • Source: Town Hall
  • by: Matt Vespa
28 11 3  59
image: https://structurecms-staging-psyclone.netdna-ssl.com/client_assets/
FBI's Insurance Policy Against Trump Revealed

We all had our suspicions about what FBI agent Peter Strzok meant by
 “insurance policy,” which he wrote in a text to bureau lawyer Lisa Page,
 a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair. The text was 
one of 10,000 that were sent between these two FBI officials from 
August 15, 2015-December 1, 2016; this one was sent to Page in August
 of 2016. The Wall Street Journal reported that according to agents familiar
 with Strzok’s account, he was referring to the Russia investigation when 
he mentioned “insurance.” He was removed from Special Counsel Robert 
Mueller’s investigation in August once he was informed about these 
communications; the DOJ inspector general was looking into their texts. 
Strzok, who was in counter-intelligence, was part of two key FBI investigations. 
He was involved in the Hillary Clinton email probe and the bureau’s
 counterintelligence investigation into whether the Trump campaign
 colluded with the Russians during the 2016 election, which he signed
 off on making this inquiry official back in July of 2016. Hence, why
 eyebrows were raised over this “insurance” reference (via WSJ) 
[emphasis mine]...


On Twitter, Wilber expounded more on this, while adding that this doesn’t 
point to a deep state plot to block Donald Trump from winning. Plainly, it
 shows that this isn’t one of the FBI’s proudest moments, with former agents
 apparently appalled by Strzok’s behavior, given the nature of these texts,
 his position in two key investigations, and the added bonus that he was 
having an affair with an FBI attorney. All of this speaks to the credibility of
 the agency. It potentially speaks volumes about the office culture at the
 FBI, along with the judgment Mueller has when it comes to picking his 
staff. The Journal’s editorial board noted other troubling instances, like a
 now-demoted DOJ official, Bruce Ohr, meeting with the authors of the
 infamous and unverified Trump dossier. Oh, and his wife, Nellie, worked
 for the firm—Fusion GPS—that hired former MI6 operative Christopher 
Steele, who compiled the file, which was subsidized by the Hillary Clinton 
campaign. The publication added that evidence is mounting that the FBI 
possibly engaged in election meddling. We’ll see, but for now—the 
“insurance” referred to is the Russia investigation. Also, another thing
 the WSJ noted that former agents and prosecutors were flabbergasted
 that Page and Strzok were even texting each other about these cases. 

Yet, let’s be honest. Even if the probe was to be an aggressive review
 into whether the Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia colluded, and
 there was—in this hypothetical—evidence of collusion, you don’t think 
Democrats would try to refocus this inquiry upstream to ensnare Trump? 
Of course they would. That’s why they’ve been obsessing about it for months. 
To this day, there is zero evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with

There are other instances at the FBI that are just as troubling as the texts,
 like former FBI Director James Comey drafting an exoneration statement
 for Hillary Clinton before agents had interviewed the former first lady. Oh,
 and Mr. Strzok editing the statement, like nixing the phrase “grossly 
negligent” to “extremely careless.” Mr. Comey was also investigated for
 violating the Hatch Act, a law that bars federal employees within the executive
 from engaging in most political activities. His top aides, FBI chief of staff
 James Rybicki and FBI attorney Trisha Anderson were interviewed, but the
 FBI has refused to turn over the transcripts. Even without the deep state 
drama, we already have conduct that some in the FBI were injecting their 
political biases into the investigations. Hence, the reason why the National
 Review wants someone to scrutinize the FBI’s conduct in the execution of 
their investigations into the Clinton email probe and possible Russian collusion. 
Why? Because it’s night and day...

Read more at http://trumptrainnews.com/articles/fbi-s-insurance-policy-against-trump-revealed#u5p0DcYgzVR4yVvm.99

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