Thursday, December 7, 2017

Those In The Deep State Are Quickly Being Revealed!

Security adviser warns deep state engaging in ‘stealth coup’ against Trump

December 6, 2017
Security adviser warns deep state engaging in ‘stealth coup’ against TrumpMarc Nozell / CCL; Matt Johnson / CCL
The nefarious string of actions by the “deep state” apparatus starting under former President Barack Obama are now coming under increased scrutiny.
Evidence of the various schemes to undermine the President demonstrate that the efforts started early in Donald Trump’s campaign. J.D. Gordon, a foreign policy adviser to Trump, and former Pentagon spokesman, recently said: “…Based on the flood of leaks across the government, what we’re seeing today more closely resembles a stealth coup. Certainly nothing passive about it.”

Anti-Trump Moves Began in July 2016

Gordon is a retired Navy officer and founder of a national security Super PAC. In a recent statement to The Washington Times reported Gordon said: “Having experienced a change in administration while at the Pentagon in 2009, it’s not uncommon to see passive-aggressive behavior from a handful of outgoing folks.”
Former FBI Director, James Comey spearheaded the criminal investigation of Trump’s campaign, basing the legitimacy of the investigation on a fake dossier financed by the Democratic Party with one goal in mind; to destroy Donald Trump’s chances of becoming president.
Peter Strzok was a lead investigator in the probe and was recently revealed to have been removed from the case last summer after anti-Trump text messages were found on his phone.
It was John O. Brennan, then President Obama’s CIA director, who pushed for an investigation. He collaborated with Comey, sending the names of various Russian figures with whom Trump and his staff had any type of communication. In testimony before Congress, Brennan said he provided the list of referrals, but said he did not know what was exchanged.

Political Bias in the Investigation

Peter Strzok wasn’t the only personally interested investigator. Internal emails in the Mueller probe demonstrate a conflict of interest in special counsel Robert Mueller’s top prosecutor as well.
That top prosecutor, Andrew Weismann, lauded former interim Attorney General Sally Yates for refusing the White House’s order to defend the travel ban on countries with a high risk of importing Islamic extremism.
Weissman also donated to various Democratic campaigns including Obama’s and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s while in private practice. He gave high praise to Yates according to internal emails. “I am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much. All my deepest respect” wrote Weissman. Yates was relieved of her post by Trump.
The investigation into former-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was headed up by Weissman, who conducted an overly intrusive early-morning raid during which Manafort’s wife was frisked in her bedroom.

Deep State Sabotage

Conservatives have been frustrated by the leaks and ostensible political sabotage coming from national security officials.
Lawmakers have chimed in as well. Rep. Peter T. King, a New York Republican, told ABC News:
There should be an investigation of what the Russians did but also an investigation of John Brennan and the hit job he seems to be orchestrating against the president-elect.
As more evidence is uncovered, it’s increasingly pointing to a strategically-coordinated effort among deep-state power brokers to undermine the incoming president.
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The fact that they are managing to shake down Trump’s associates and distract from his agenda is evidence that their plot is working.
It’s up to Trump himself to stop them.

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