Thursday, December 28, 2017

Trump Makes It Known He Is Displeased With China

President Trump “Very Disappointed” China Violating North Korea Oil Sanctions…

Because President Donald Trump is entirely deliberate most of the time; and because POTUS Trump very rarely uses a passive aggressive voice; the tweet response from President Trump, regarding China violating oil sanctions, is perfect -and serious- but also funny as hell when you understand the big panda picture.
President Trump knows the panda mask hides the red dragon. Those who have watched the past year engagement between President Trump and Chairman Xi Jinping can clearly see how Trump strokes the panda fur but well understands that Xi holds a zero-sum outlook.
China will never take action that is not in their specific best interests. Period. It’s the way Chinese negotiate. They hold a zero-sum world-view; if China doesn’t win, the action simply is not taken.  Only action that benefits Chinese interests is taken. Period.
Heck, the eyes-wide-open specific understanding of the Chinese view is the entire reason for Trump executing a years-long economic leverage approach toward China’s acquiescence over U.S. demands on the DPRK nuclear ambitions.
President Trump has been positioning a better economic benefit for China as the necessary leverage.  Simultaneously and intensely strategically, POTUS Trump has been publicly creating “magnanimous panda”, with elevated praise beyond words spoken of any other engagement.  Strategic Trump even deploys his granddaughter Arabella as part of the strategy of elevating over-the-top praise upon Chairman Xi, and by extension to “incredible people of China”.
The entire nation of China has watched President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump pay great respect to Xi Jinping and Madam Peng Liyaun for an entire year.  All of this activity has not been without great planning and design by Donald J Trump himself, and executed by the larger Trump administration.
Businessman Donald J Trump knows China.  Believe me.
Showing the dragon-mask to a guest who has demonstrably honored magnanimous panda (beyond all known historic reference points) is an extreme level of professional, political, economic and more importantly, cultural, disrespect.
Very Disappointed“, Trump says.
Seriously, I read that and darned near blew covfefe out my nose. And now we can’t stop laughing as we attempt to estimate the leverage value in a well placed geopolitical tweet: “very disappointed”.
WASHINGTON – […] The satellite images appear to identify the ships. One of them — Rye Song Gang 1, seen “connected to a Chinese vessel” — was included in the Nov. 21 sanctions as a vessel of Korea Kumbyol Trading Company possibly transferring oil to evade sanctions.
While Russia exports some oil to North Korea, China is the main source of oil for the rogue nation, according to Reuters. However, the country’s records reportedly showed it exported no oil products to the North during the month of November. It was reportedly the second consecutive month China didn’t export diesel or gasoline to North Korea.
A government source told the South Korean newspaper that, “We need to focus on the fact that the illicit trade started after a UN Security Council resolution in September drastically capped North Korea’s imports of refined petroleum products.”
Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said she had no information following Chosun’s report, but said “the Chinese government has been completely and strictly enforcing Security Council resolutions” aimed at discouraging North Korea from developing nuclear and missile technology.  (read more)
“very disappointed”

“Very Disappointed”!!

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