Sunday, December 24, 2017

We Love Sarah Huckabee-Sanders

NBC Reporter Asks Sarah About Tax Cuts, So She Asks About Reporter’s Paycheck

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders had a little fun with an NBC reporter who asked her how the Republican tax overhaul would benefit average Americans.
Huckabee-Sanders was speaking with reporters Thursday when she mentioned the benefits of President Donald Trump’s tax reform bill. She also brought up the fact that many companies could afford raises and bonuses in anticipation of the bill.
One of those corporations happens to be Comcast-NBCUniversal.
In light of this, NBC White House reporter Kristen Welker asked Huckabee-Sanders if the tax bill would affect average Americans.
Huckabee-Sanders had the perfect response.
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“Hopefully you’re one of the NBC reporters that’s getting one of those bonuses,” she said.
CBS News correspondent Mark Knoller tweeted about the exchange between Huckabee-Sanders and Welker, reporting that Welker replied that she had “not yet” received her bonus.
“Sanders tries to score points on @kwelkernbc about tax cut bill: ‘Hopefully you’re one of the NBC reporters that’s getting one of those bonuses.’ ‘Not yet,’ said Welker,” he wrote.
Huckabee-Sanders did not simply try to score points by bringing up the tax bill, she succeeded.
Earlier in the day, Sanders pointed to a tweet by Brian Steltor which said journalists at NBC were among the Comcast employees getting $1,000 bonuses “based on the passage of tax reform and the FCC’s action on broadband.”
“Even the media is getting a pay raise for Christmas because of the Donald Trump tax cuts,” Sanders wrote.
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It is shocking to see how reporters, who are benefitting from Trump’s tax plan, still cannot give the president any credit.
If there is anything to learn from the exchange between Huckabee-Sanders and Welker, it is that Trump can do no good no matter what he does. If the president discovered a cure for cancer, liberals would give him flak because doctors would suddenly have fewer patients to treat.
Sadly, we may have three more years of this nonsense to look forward to from the mainstream media.
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