Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Where Is The Prosecution Of Obama Etal? Where Is The News Media?

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Shielded Drug & Sex Rings To Save Iran Nuke Deal

Former President Barack Obama derailed efforts to prosecute a terrorist cocaine and human trafficking syndicate – for fear that it would anger Iran.
The FBI and the Drug Enforcement Agency, apparently, were running an effort called “Project Cassandra,” which had amassed massive evidence that the Lebanese terror group, Hezbollah, had transformed themselves into a billion-dollar criminal enterprise. They also gathered evidence that implicated leaders in Iran – the primary sponsor and supporter of Hezbollah.
However, as Project Cassandra continued to uncover the truth, the Obama White House began throwing up roadblocks to thwart the investigation. The Justice Department also declined requests by DEA and FBI authorities to file criminal charges against major players – like Hezbollah’s envoy to Iran.
“This was a policy decision, it was a systematic decision,” explained David Asher, who established and oversaw Project Cassandra as an illicit finance analyst for the Defense Department. “[The Obama Administration] serially ripped apart this entire effort that was very well supported and resourced, and it was done from the top down.”
A former CIA official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, added that the Obama White House demanded “concessions that had never been made before, which is outrageous to anyone in the [CIA.]”
He also, startlingly, claimed that the reason the Obama White House blocked Project Cassandra was to “show good faith toward the Iranians in terms of reaching an agreement” on the highly-controversial U.S.-Iran nuclear deal.

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