Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Creepiness Of The Hillary And Bernie Campaigns

The Dirty Little Secret Inside

 the Clinton and Sander's Campaigns

  • 11/18/2017 
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN
42 16 1  67
The Dirty Little Secret Inside the Clinton and Sander's Campaigns
A new report from the Huffington Post levies allegations against the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders' campaigns.

Two young ladies, Lilian Adams (Clinton) and Zoey Jordan Salsbury (Sanders), teenagers at the time, allege they were sexually harassed on their respective campaigns by a colleague.

Adam's detailed her account to the Huffington Post:
Adams said she dealt with this harassment for months and mentioned it to a superior as early as June. The abuse began as homophobic remarks — Adams felt targeted, she said, because the man knew she was bisexual — and escalated from there. “He made multiple comments about my body, told people we were dating, would constantly try to get me to drink (I was 19), try to force me into situations where we were alone, encouraged me not to wear bras, etc.,” Adams said.
The alleged abuser was fired which was rejoiced by Adams and her supervisor, but he was later rehired in a different state to help out the campaign.

The abuser and top Clinton aides would not comment on the record to the Post.

Salsbury, also detailed her account to the Post:
In October 2015, Salsbury became president of American University Students for Bernie, a volunteer position. Her main point of contact in the Vermont senator’s campaign was an intern, another college student in Washington, D.C. When he made unwanted advances toward her, Salsbury said she didn’t know where to turn because the campaign had no internal infrastructure to deal with such issues ― at least involving volunteers.
Like Adams, Salsbury felt helpless to stop the harassment. There was no culture of accountability in the D.C. office of the Sanders campaign, she said, and she didn’t think people would listen to a young volunteer. It was “a culture that didn’t discuss office policies with volunteers or make it clear that harassment wasn’t tolerated,” said Salsbury.

Salsbury did hear from the Sanders campaign after she posted about the incident this month on social media. A former digital media manager reached out to her this past weekend, she said, and on Monday, a Seattle-based lawyer named Bernice Johnson Blessing called her on behalf of the campaign. “It firmly felt like the kind of call you make when you’re trying to feel out if someone has the interest and/or standing to bring a lawsuit,” said Salsbury.
Salsbury's account was not the first problem documented with sexual harassment on the Bernie Sanders' campaign.

Arturo Carmona, California congressional candidate and former Bernie campaign staffer was accused of sexual harassment:
Masha Mendieta, a former Latino outreach strategist for the Sanders presidential campaign, made multiple allegations against Carmona in a Medium post Friday, saying Carmona didn't adequately address a complaint of sexual harassment, treated female staffers unfairly and was a poor manager who used campaign funds inappropriately.

Mendieta wrote that though working on the Sanders presidential campaign "gave me genuine hope that good souls were out there who respected and valued women equally ... Arturo Carmona was not one of them."
Carmona has denied these allegations.

We will continue to follow these developments.


Friday, November 17, 2017

What Do When You Hate The Results Of Your Survey? Delete It?

BLM Deletes Poll After Trump Wins by a Landslide, But We Took a Screenshot

Black Lives Matter Deletes Pro-Trump Poll
The Black Lives Matter group suffered an embarrassing loss when it posted a poll that asked about President Donald Trump’s job performance, and the backing for the president was overwhelming.
The poll, first put up on Twitter on Nov. 15 by the group, was posted three different times in the clear hope that most respondents would disapprove of Trump’s performance.
But that wasn’t the case.
The tweet asked: “Do you approve or disapprove of President Trump’s job performance? Do vote and retweet.”
Quickly, the scores came in.
TRENDING: BLM Deletes Poll After Trump Wins by a Landslide, But We Took a Screenshot
In no time at all, Trump’s approval rating was up to 50 percent, then 60 percent, finally 70 percent. Only 28 percent of respondents said they disapproved of the president’s performance.
The group apparently realized what was happening and scrambled to take the poll down.
However, Twitter users are sharing a screenshot of the poll.
Here’s what it looks like:
Other Twitter users came forward to mock the Black Lives Matter group and reveal the group’s intentional smear campaign against the president.
Black Lives Matter — and groups like them — wants to control the narrative and tell Americans what they shouldthink about Trump — and other important national matters as well.
But Americans can’t be fooled, and the group is finally starting to notice. That’s why it took down the poll when it didn’t produce results liberals had hoped for.
RELATED: Liberals to Open Anti-Trump, Republican-Free Hotel in Heart of Washington, DC
They’re embarrassed and they should be, because they can’t twist the truth.
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