Monday, January 29, 2018

A Hero Responds To A Liberal Uninformed Teacher



 In opinion
An Open Letter to Mr. Salcido of El Rancho High School in Pico Rivera, California, from the Military and the Veteran Community.
Is Mr. Salcido partly right?
Could it be that a 1% of the population is stupid by joining the military and serving a nation that places overpaid celebrities and Hollywood pedophiles on a pedestal? Are we really stupid by going through the most hardened physical and mental anguish to be part of the few and the proud to be part of something greater than one self? Even though all the cards are lined up against us? When we know that the VA is killing us every day.
How many Vietnam Veterans have died from Agent Orange? Where is the outrage? How many die from Gulf War Syndrome? How many from PTSD? Why are veterans more likely to die from cancer? The liberals love making movies about us with actors who have never served in the military or seen the light of combat, yet they disrespect our veterans and military any chance they get.
But not just the liberals, there are many companies who abuse the Veteran’s status by using wounded or combat veterans as props to sell their products and services, making millions of dollars and not paying those veterans what they deserve or anything at all. Are we too humble to stand up for ourselves or too stupid to think for ourselves?
What is it about our breed that continues to stand up for the weak and the cowards against enemies foreign and domestic, when a large portion of our population would rather we wouldn’t exist? Should I have to remind everyone that Mr. Salcido is just one voice out of thousands of teachers across America who think the same way? Teachers who day by day preach their poison to our children? Should I be angry with Mr. Salcido?
No, I am not angry, or at the students who laughed and agreed with his ignorant statement in the class. I am not angry at all, not anymore, not when our Veterans are being systematically killed at the VA.
Tell me, is Mr. Salcido partly right, that only a stupid person would give up his life for a society that breeds the type of parasite individuals like Mr. Salcido. Is it dumb or unintelligent to fight for people who piss on and burn the flag you sworn to protect? Yes, I know we fight for the men and the women next to us but what will happen to people like Mr. Salcido when the “stupid and dumb” military people, as Mr Salcido called us, no longer want to protect the oath of our constitution? What happens when the military no longer decides to protect anyone in the nation, or people like Mr. Salcido?
Tell me again why we protect such scum when our brothers and sisters die in foreign lands or come home with combat wounds, only to be overtaken by them years later in veteran suicide? What would Mr. Salcido know about courage? About selfless acts? He doesn’t even love himself let alone his own country or countrymen. He speaks like a true coward, selfish to the core, a student of the indoctrination, never risking anything for something greater when it’s easily handed to him.
See, not everyone person in America has the opportunity to go to free college. If you are black or brown and if you are illegal, it’s a plus… no whites allowed. Even then our military is filled with minorities but why is that? I suppose only a madman or a stupid man would escape the democratic slave plantation to go join the military.
The only way out of the liberal slums created by the Democrats, the pits of hell in Chicago ghettos or South LA, is to fight or die defending something greater than one self. Yes, I suppose only a madman, or a stupid man would place their lives first before a stranger like Mr. Salcido or others like him. The military isn’t for everyone, it’s for a few misguided children of Uncle Sam’s who don’t want to fit in a box.
I may not speak for everyone, but for me as a Cuban Communism survivor, it was a way for me to give something back to the country that has given me so many opportunities. Call me stupid all you want, but not every day a Cuban Communism survivor can stand tall and call himself proudly a US Marine by earning the title so many have failed to do, even by those who are born in this great country.
The military community is a brotherhood, a family, it is the very heart of our nation and why we exist as the #1 country of the world. Nothing is more stupid and ignorant than a man who’s unwilling to fight. Those kind of people would rather live in the chains of imprisonment than to risk a single day as free men.
Our Military gets to guard our president and every American Embassy around the world – an honor no one should take lightly. Our Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Guardsmen, and Coasties work tirelessly everyday to make sure we don’t turn into a shithole country. That’s an intelligent and smart undertaking… to guard the best country of the world from dumb stupid people like Mr. Salcido whose ignorance flourished under the Obama administration.
Undermining the awesomeness of military power will be a complete and unremarkable stupidity, which many of our enemies have learned the hard way. I suppose it is easier to plant the seed of ignorance to naïve children who don’t know better. We do not defend our military from Mr. Salcido’s remarks but instead are contributing to the debate.
I don’t need to defend myself from being a US Marine to Mr. Salcido or anyone else for that matter. As Ronald Reagan stated “Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they’ve made a difference. The Marines don’t have that problem.” As to our Veterans and our military, let Mr. Salcido’s remarks paint you a picture of what progressive liberalism and the Democrats think of our brotherhood and come election time, make sure you vote red and red only for those who support DONALD J TRUMP!
Rick Ferran
US Marine 3/7 Lima Co , 0311, CPL, 93-97

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