Thursday, January 25, 2018

Clinton Crime Family Under More Scrutiny

The ‘Clinton Foundation’ isn’t a real charity: Only 6% went to charitable grants in 2014

January 24, 2018
The ‘Clinton Foundation’ isn’t a real charity: Only 6% went to charitable grants in 2014Michael Candelori /
With the FBI pursuing an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, a report about the organization’s expenditures has taken on newfound significance.
In 2016, The Federalist reported that the Clinton “charity” spent less than 6 percent of its money on charitable grants in 2014.The FBI is more aggressively investigating alleged “pay-to-play” politics by the Clinton Foundation.
Meanwhile, the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email probe is coming under intense scrutiny from Republicans as evidence mounts of pro-Clinton bias at the Bureau.

Clinton Foundation hardly charitable

An analysis of IRS documents by the Federalist’s Sean Davis shows that the Clinton Foundation spent a paltry amount of its budget, less than 6 percent, on charitable grants in 2014.
Of the $91.2 million spent in 2014, only $5.2 million went to charitable grants, a 40 percent decline from the $8.8 million spent in 2013. The decline came despite an increase in revenue of 20 percent.
What did the Clintons spend more on than charitable grants in 2014?
$7.9 million went to air and travel expenses. $6.6 million went to rent and office supplies.
Its biggest charitable grant that year gave $2 million to the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a group formed jointly between the Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association to fight childhood obesity. A Clinton Foundation board member served on AHG’s board in 2014; just $349,022, 2.1 percent, of the $16.3 million spent that year by the organization went to charitable grants.
The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) was the recipient of the biggest individual program expenditure from the Foundation. Described by the New York Times as “glitzy annual gathering of chief executives, heads of state, and celebrities.” the annual event hosted by CGI was part of what led to it’s $23,000,000 receipt.
Continuing from The Federalist report:
The Clinton Foundation’s three largest charitable “program service accomplishments,” according to its tax reports, are the Clinton Global Initiative ($23.2 million), the Clinton Presidential Library ($12.3 million), and the Clinton Climate Initiative ($8.3 million).
The Foundation also has a less-than-stellar record when it comes to reporting donations. The Hill reports:
[T]he Clinton Foundation only disclosed cash contributions to the Clinton Global Initiative and not any of the pro-bono and in-kind contributions the initiative received from donors.
As a result, the Foundation’s disclosure records showed $50,000 in cash donations from the lobbying firm APCO Worldwide but none of the hundreds of thousands of dollars the firm donated in pro-bono services.
Ultimately, the Clinton Foundation failed to disclose millions of dollars in donations.
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Clinton investigations heat up

Reports from earlier this month indicate that the FBI was picking up its investigation into alleged “pay-to-play” politics by the Clinton Foundation after months of stagnation.
Republicans, led by Trump, have accused the Foundation of exchanging favorable policy decisions for donations to the organization while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State.
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Simultaneously, the Clinton email probe is coming under escalating scrutiny, with Republicans calling for an independent probe of the FBI’s handling of that investigation.
The Clintons might soon have some serious legal issues with which to contend.

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