Friday, January 12, 2018

Facebook Censorship Starts In Earnest

Facebook Bans Bestselling Author over 'The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama'

(Image Credit Shutterstock)
Bestselling conservative author Matt Margolis has a new book coming out that is already banned on Facebook. Margolis's first book, The Worst President in History,  which detailed the failures of the Obama administration, was an instant hit last fall. Margolis used social media to market his presidential biography to #1 on Amazon. When he tried to market his latest, The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama, he was banned from Facebook groups for six days with no explanation. This is the ad Margolis created and posted.
Shockingly, Margolis paid for this ad to be "boosted" throughout Facebook using the advertiser program they offer. Facebook had no problem taking his money for this ad but banned him directly after he posted it to several groups. The groups he sent it to were all conservative-friendly groups that normally welcome such announcements and buy conservative books.
Message Facebook sent to Margolis
When Margolis attempted to appeal the ban, he was unable to. This is suspicious timing considering that James O'Keefe just released videos of Twitter executives admitting to "shadow banning" conservative content creators and even those who are associated with conservative sites.
They also seem to silence people who like American flags and the Bible.
"I hate to think I'm being censored, and hope that's not the case," Margolis told PJM, "but Facebook's reputation makes that possibility hard to ignore. We're seeing companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google actively censoring conservative ideas on their platforms. It is hardly far-fetched that big-tech censorship wouldn't include a book that doesn't fit the narrative they support."
Margolis's book details the many scandals of Barack Obama's presidency, including the illegal gun running with the cartel dubbed "Fast and Furious" and the treacherous abandonment of Americans in Benghazi that led to many deaths. Contrary to Democratic claims that the Obama administration was "scandal-free," the truth could (and did) fill a book with the many outrages that occurred over the last eight years.
Margolis believes that there is a concerted effort to silence conservative points of view. "I fear this is only the beginning. Far -left trolls often posted bogus reviews of my last book on Amazon, calling it racist," revealed Margolis. "Companies like Facebook/Twitter/Google are certainly likely to take bogus accusations of racism to justify their censorship."
A spokesperson for Facebook told PJM that Margolis had shared his advertisement to too many groups in one hour and that several had deleted the post, leading to the ban. But upon investigation, Margolis found none of the groups in which he shared the post appeared to have deleted his post and, in fact, they have had discussions in the comments sections. Facebook rules are very ambiguous, however, not detailing how many posts are too many, but threatening to delete your account if you violate their unstated standards.  No group contacted Margolis asking him to take down his posts. In fact, Conservative Libertarian Fiction Alliance group administrator Marina Fontaine expressed shock that Facebook would ban a conservative author from posting to conservative groups. "The purpose of conservative groups is to share ideas and support each other. What else are they for?" she asked.
PJM offered to send the evidence that the groups did not delete Margolis's ads in the form of screengrabs, but Facebook was unresponsive and the ban still stands.

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