Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Fire And Fury Is Fiction, At Best

Anti-Trump Author Caught In 

Another Lie

  • 01/09/2018 
  • Source: TTN
  • by: Donny Bomenabori
103 28 4  184
Michael Wolff's anti-Trump bestselling book is turning out to be fiction, as
 truth is trickling out in his TV appearances. Wolff claims everything in the
 book is true, yet in his interview on "CBS This Morning" on January 8th, 
he said he didn't speak with any Trump cabinet officials. But, in the book
 Wolff quotes' multiple Cabinet members including the National Security
 Advisor and Treasury Secretary.
As we reported before, this, with the blatant falsehood that the President
 did not know who John Boehner was, shows Wolff's book to be tabloid 
trash. If the President's cease and desist letter ever leads to a court case, 
a good lawyer would drive a truck through the holes in his story. As more
 comes out and Wolff is scrutinized, it gets harder for his claims to pass the
 smell test.
Wolff sells books because unhinged liberals desperately need a scandal, 
and will pay good money for it. Wolff is slinging buckets of slime for
 DC swamp-dwellers that need President Trump to fail so they can win. 
Short of a real scandal, Wolff has proven he can make something up that
 sounds like men's room gossip, and print it like he witnessed it firsthand. 


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