Monday, January 29, 2018

Fire And Fury--Totally Fabricated Gossip Mongering Work Of Fiction

Nikki Haley responds to disgraceful rumor that she had an affair with President Trump

January 27, 2018
Nikki Haley responds to disgraceful rumor that she had an affair with President Trumpa katz /
Michael Wolff, author of Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, recently attempted to victimize a public servant with a baseless accusation. This time it backfired, quite spectacularly.
In an interview on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, Wolff intimatedthat Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, had, or was having, an affair with President Trump. Haley’s response was scorching. 
On Thursday’s Politico podcast Women Rule she responded, calling the accusations “highly offensive” and “disgusting.”


In the Maher interview, Wolff stated that he was “absolutely sure” Trump was having an affair.
He stated:
There is something in the book that I was absolutely sure of, but it is so incendiary that I just didn’t have the ultimate proof.
Nevertheless, he found a way to sneak it in his book – to be found by the discerning reader. In the interview, he decided to give the reader a helping hand:
It’s toward the end of the book. You’ll know it. Now that I’ve told you, when you hit that paragraph, you’re going to say ‘Bingo.’
According to Politico, Wolff’s comments have directed readers to the following line from his book:
The president had been spending a notable amount of private time with Haley on Air Force One and was seen to be grooming her for a ntaional political future.
This, of course, led to the recent rumors that Haley had an affair with Trump.

Haley Repudiates

Considering the controversial nature of the book, which led many to question whether it is a work of fiction, Haley probably didn’t even have to respond to the accusation. But, she did, on a recent Politico podcast.
Haley stated:
It is absolutely not true. …
I have literally been on Air Force One once and there were several people in the room when I was there. He says that I’ve been talking a lot with the president in the Oval about my political future. I’ve never talked once to the president about my future and I am never alone with him.
So the idea that these things come out, that’s a problem. But it goes to a bigger issue that we need to always be conscious of: At every point in my life, I’ve noticed that if you speak your mind and you’re strong about it and you say what you believe, there is a small percentage of people that resent that and the way they deal with it is to try and throw arrows, lies or not.
This is not the first time that Haley, the first female governor of South Carolina and second Indian-American governor, had to face such an accusation:
I saw this as a legislator. I saw this when I was governor. I see it now. I see them do it to other women,” she said. “And the thing is, when women work, they prioritize, they focus, and they believe if you’re gonna to something, do it right.
Wolff seems to be guilty of one of the oldest and most sexist smears of them all: assuming a woman slept her way to success. But, Haley’s character has proved to be too strong for such accusations to have any impact.

A Book Full of Canards

By now it is well known that the claims made in Wolff’s book are hardly credible. Wolff himself has even said as much.
Becket Adams, in an op-ed for the Washington Examinersavaged Wolff’s rumor-mongering, calling his remarks “sleazy and unsubstantiated.”
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He continued:
…this affair nonsense isn’t just some Internet forum rumor. Wolff and Maher have put this particularly vicious gossip into the mainstream. Maher has a significant platform on HBO, and Wolff is still reveling in the acclaim heaped on him by his news media colleagues…
The only question now is: Will Wolff’s recent supporters in the news business, including MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski, who claimed “the spirit of [his book] is completely true,” and Katy Tur, who said much of what she read in the supposed tell-all “feels true,” continue to promote his evidence-free brand of “journalism”?
Given the nature of the book, one should be even more critical of the things that he did not think he could put in.
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This is just another attempt by the left to discredit a successful woman because she doesn’t toe the line ideologically.
As Haley demonstrated, it takes more than a rumor to attack someone with real integrity.

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