Monday, January 22, 2018

Hillary And Huma--Birds Of A Feather With Weinstein

Picture of Hillary and Weinstein goes viral – almost no media attention

January 19, 2018
Picture of Hillary and Weinstein goes viral – almost no media attentionMarc Nozell / CCL
When the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke, Hillary Clinton said she was “shocked and appalled.” But Clinton and her husband shared a decades-long relationship with the disgraced mogul, one that apparently continued until very recently.
A photo snapped in May 2017 shows Clinton and her former aide Huma Abedin flanking Weinstein at a gala to promote women’s rights.
The irony is disturbing to say the least.

Weinstein, Clinton attended women’s gala

Weinstein sat beside Clinton and Abedin at the May 2, 2017 gala to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Planned Parenthood. Clinton received an award that night, and spoke on women’s rights.
“[Advancing women’s rights] remains the great unfinished business of the 21st century,” Clinton said last spring. “And some days, it seems like it may be even more unfinished than we’d hoped.”
Her statement rings truer now than she could have imagined, however, as the #MeToo movement has swept the nation — all sparked by the outrage leveraged against Weinstein, the once-esteemed film producer now known across the nation as a sexual predator.
That didn’t seem to bother Clinton and Abedin at the time however. The photo, captured by Joe Schildhorn and shared by Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Wednesday, tells all:

The Weinstein-Clinton relationship

While it is unclear just how familiar Clinton was with Weinstein’s sexual escapades, when the story of his abuse of budding Hollywood actresses broke, Clinton did not immediately condemn him; five days passedbefore she issued a statement, in which she claimed to be “shocked and appalled.”
But Weinstein had a close relationship with the Clintons for years. He donated $10,000 to Bill Clinton’s legal defense fund when the former president faced impeachment over the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
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The mogul also donated money to and hosted fundraisers for Hillary Clinton’s campaigns, from her first Senate run in 2000 to her presidential campaign in 2016. Weinstein had even been working with Clinton on a documentary TV show about her ill-fated campaign before the scandal erupted.
Additionally, Lena Dunham publicly claimed that she verbally warned Hillary Clinton’s campaign about Weinstein, having heard disturbing stories about his behavior from actresses in Hollywood. Tina Brown, former editor of Vanity Fair and The New Yorker and founder of Talk magazine, later said she issued similar warnings to a Clinton associate via email in 2008.
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“I was hearing that Harvey’s sleaziness with women had escalated since I left Talk in 2002 and she was unwise to be so closely associated with him,” Brown wrote in an email to a member of Clinton’s inner circle.
The Clintons maintain they had no prior knowledge of Weinstein’s acts.

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