Friday, January 5, 2018

Is Comey Delusional

James Comey takes shot at Trump, calls for ‘ethical leadership’ – after trying to help Hillary win

January 2, 2018
James Comey takes shot at Trump, calls for ‘ethical leadership’ – after trying to help Hillary winmark reinstein /
Disgraced former FBI Director James Comey is hardly America’s favorite figure at the moment. After botching the Hillary Clinton investigations and engaging in behaviors that raised questions of serious bias, he was fired by President Donald Trump.
Rather than go quietly and fade into well-deserved obscurity, however, Comey popped up on Twitter New Year’s Eve. Taking an obvious shot at Trump, Comey tweeted his hopes that “2018 brings more ethical leadership, focused on the truth and lasting values.”
Apparently, irony isn’t his strong suit.

He Said What?

Comey, apparently the top candidate for the award honoring the Most Oblivious Person Ever, received quite the response to his virtue signaling. Political blog Chicks on the Right asked, “You mean like being ‘extremely careless’ instead of ‘grossly negligent?’”
Others seemed to be taken aback by Comey’s utter obtuseness. “Lordy,” one Twitter user asked, “how could you type that with a straight face?”
Many others stood up for Comey and his actions in the Hillary investigation. Calling him a “leader” and praising his ethics, they steadfastly ignored the part where Comey started drafting his exoneration statement for Hillary before even interviewing some of the key witnesses.
This isn’t the first time President Trump and James Comey have faced off in a Twitter battle. At the beginning of December, Trump lashed out at Comey in a series of tweets, calling the FBI very dishonest and pointing out the obvious problems with the Mueller investigation.
Comey responded by saying “I want the American people to know this truth: The FBI is honest. The FBI is strong. And the FBI is, and always will be, independent.”
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The former director might be very adamant about wanting the American people to know “this truth” as opposed to the objective, non-partisan, factual type of truth, but much of America is now ignoring him.
Information showing that FBI Counterintelligence official Peter Strzok steered the Hillary investigation with Comey’s acquiescence and assistant director Andrew McCabe’s possible involvement poked holes in the director’s assertion about an honest FBI weeks ago.

What’s Next for Comey?

Comey landed a lucrative book deal immediately following his exit from the top federal law enforcement agency. Titled “A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership,” the book will reportedly outline what Comey’s personal brand of leadership is, explaining “what good, ethical leadership looks like and how it drives sound decisions.”
There is no word on whether Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, or Hillary Clinton will write the foreword.

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